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单词 ok
释义 ok adjective, adverb (also okay) verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste没问题;感觉不错;看起来不错;好像可以;闻起来没问题;听起来不错;尝起来没问题▸➤do进展顺利◆i think i did ok in the exam. (bre) 我觉得我考得还不错。◆i think i did ok on the exam. (name) 我觉得我考得还不错。➤go, turn out进展/结果顺利◆i hope the meeting goes ok.我希望会议进展顺利。adverb➤perfectly, quite, really, totally (especially name) 十分好;相当好;真的不错;一点儿问题也没有◆i'm perfectly ok now, thanks.我现在相当好,谢谢。preposition➤by sb对某人合适◆john has suggested meeting at six, and that's ok by me.约翰建议 6 点见面,那个时间对我也合适。➤with sb/sth对某人来说没问题;在某件事上没问题◆is it ok with you if i come around six?我 6 点左右来,你看好不好?◆are you sure you're ok with the arrangement?你肯定这样安排你没问题吗?ok (also okay) [transitive] (informal) to officially agree to sth or allow it to happen正式批准;同意◆the chairman ok'd the request.主席答应了那个请求。◆the property has to be valued before a mortgage loan is ok'd.要取得按揭贷款得先对房产进行估价。ok (also okay) [not usually before noun] (informal, spoken) all right; good enough可以;不错;够好◆is it ok if i leave now?我现在离开,可以吗?◆is it ok for me to come too?我也去,行吗?◆she looks ok to me.我觉得她样子还行。◆we had an okay time on the trip- not great.我们的旅行谈不上精彩,但还过得去。▸ ok adverb◆i think i did ok in the exam.我觉得我考得还不错。note 辨析 all right or ok? ok is only used in spoken english; all right can be written, although it is informal. * ok 只用于口语中; all right 可用作书面语,但是非正式的用法。ok (also okay) [not usually before noun] (informal, spoken) safe; not hurt or ill平安;安然无恙◆are you ok?你没事吧?◆write and let me know you're ok.给我写信报个平安。◆she worries too much-i'll be perfectly ok.她过分担忧了 - 我会平安无事的。▸ ok (also okay) adverb◆ (informal, spoken) did they get there ok?他们平安到达了吗?ok (also okay) [not before noun] (informal, spoken) not feeling ill; not injured无病;平安无恙◆are you ok?你感觉还好吧?◆he should be ok for the game on saturday.他参加星期六的比赛应该没问题。note 辨析 all right or ok?these words are slightly less positive than the other words in this group. they are both used in spoken english to talk about not actually being ill or injured, rather than being positively in good health. both are rather informal but ok is slightly more informal than all right. both words also mean 'safe'.与本组词的其他词相比,这两个词的正面含义略少,都用于口语中表示无病或无伤,而非身体健康。两个词都是非正式用语,但是 ok 较 all right 更不正式。两个词都有安全之意。  ➡ see also the entry for safe 1另见 safe 条第 1 义okadverb◆i think i did ok in the exam.我觉得我考得还不错。ok (also okay) adverb◆ (informal, spoken) did they get there ok?他们平安到达了吗?okadverb◆i think i did ok in the exam.我觉得我考得还不错。ok (also okay) adverb◆ (informal, spoken) did they get there ok?他们平安到达了吗?ok¹/əʊˈkeɪ ||; ˈoˈke/(also okay) adj adv exclamation (informal 非正式) 1. all right; good or well enough 不错;还好: ◇‘did you have a nice day?’ ‘well, it was ok, i suppose.’ “你今天开心吗?”“嗯,还好。”◇is it okay if i come at about 7? 我7点钟左右来方便吗? 2. yes; all right 好吧;行;可以: ◇‘do you want to come with us?’ ‘ok.’ “想跟我们一块儿去吗?”“好吧。” ok²/ˌəʊˈkeɪ ||; ˈoˈke/(also okay) noun [sing] agreement or permission 同意;批准: ◇as soon as my parents give me the ok, i'll come and stay with you. 我一获得父母准许,就会马上过来跟你住。 ok³/ˌəʊˈkeɪ ||; ˈoˈke/(also okay) (third person singular present ok's present participle ok'ing;past tense past participle ok'd) verb [t] (informal 非正式)ok sth (with sb) to officially agree to something or allow it to happen (获得)正式批准: ◇if you need time off, you have to ok it with your boss. 你要请假就得获得老板批准。 ok• ⇨ be all right/ok• ⇨ be ok for/be all right for• ⇨ be ok/be okay• ⇨ okay/ok/all right• ⇨ that's all right/that's ok☞ ok¹,okay☞ ok, okay☞ ok²,okay☞ ok³,okay☞ ok⁴,okay




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