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单词 soul
释义 soul noun¹ 1part of sb believed to exist after body is dead灵魂adjective | verb + soul | phrases adjective➤eternal, immortal永恒的/不朽的灵魂➤dead死去的灵魂◆the messenger god, hermes, leads dead souls into the underworld.诸神信使赫尔墨斯接引死去的灵魂进入冥界。➤damned被罚入地狱的灵魂▸➤human, individual人的灵魂;个人的灵魂➤rational理性灵魂➤pure纯洁的灵魂➤great伟大的灵魂verb + soul➤save拯救灵魂◆missionaries saw it as their task to save souls.传教士把拯救灵魂看作自己的使命。➤sell出卖灵魂◆to sell your soul to the devil把灵魂出卖给魔鬼phrases➤a/the battle for sb's soul, a/the struggle for sb's soul (often figurative) 某人的灵魂之战◆a battle for the soul of the country国家的灵魂之战➤have mercy on sb's soul怜悯某人◆may god have mercy on my soul.愿上帝怜悯我。➤god rest sb's soul愿上帝让某人的灵魂安息◆god rest his soul.愿上帝让他的灵魂安息。➤the immortality of the soul灵魂不朽◆an argument for the immortality of the soul灵魂不朽的论据➤the souls of the dead死者的灵魂soul noun² 2part of sb/sth that shows its true nature心灵;精神adjective | verb + soul | preposition | phrases adjective➤very心灵◆the plea touched him to his very soul.这一请求使他的心灵受到了触动。➤whole整个心灵▸➤inner内心深处verb + soul➤lose失去精神◆in the process of being made into a movie, the story seemed to have lost its soul.在拍成电影的过程中,这个故事似乎失去了原有的灵魂。➤bare剖白心事◆he bared his soul to her.他向她剖白了自己的心迹。➤search反躬自问◆i searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.我扪心自问并无任何恶意激怒他说出这番话。➤be good for其实有好处◆laughter is good for the soul.大笑对人有益。preposition➤in your soul在心灵深处◆deep in her soul she knew she had to return to her country.在她的心灵深处,她知道自己必须返回祖国。phrases➤body and soul全身心◆she gave herself to him body and soul.她一心一意地对他。➤from the depths of sb's soul, in the depths of sb's soul从某人的内心深处◆he let out an anguished cry from the depths of his soul.他从内心深处发出了一声痛苦的呐喊。➤heart and soul全心全意◆he gave himself heart and soul to the cause.他全心全意地投身这一事业。➤a part of sb's soul某人的知心朋友◆she was a part of his soul.她是他的知己。soul noun³ 3deep feeling and thought真情实感verb + soul | preposition verb + soul➤have有感情▸➤lack缺少感情preposition➤with soul带着感情◆she sang the song with passion and soul.她充满激情地唱这首歌。soul noun⁴ 4person人adjective | verb + soul | phrases adjective➤little小家伙◆poor little soul可怜的小家伙➤old老人▸➤good好人▸➤bad坏人➤lonely, lost, poor, unfortunate孤独的人;迷失的人;可怜的人;不幸的人▸➤innocent, simple天真的人;单纯的人➤kindred相似的人◆they recognized each other as kindred souls.他们都视对方为志同道合的人。➤dear, generous, gentle, kind, kindly可爱的人;慷慨的人;温柔的人;善良的人;和蔼的人◆a kind old soul慈祥的老人➤sensitive敏感的人▸➤brave勇敢的人➤hardy (especially bre) 能吃苦的人◆a few hardy souls braved the icy conditions.几个坚强的人不畏天寒地冻的恶劣条件。➤romantic浪漫的人▸➤restless, tormented, tortured, troubled焦躁不安的人;饱经磨难的人;受尽折磨的人▸➤living活着的人◆there was no other living soul to be seen.这儿其他一个人影儿都见不着。➤single一个人◆i don't know a single soul in this town.这镇上我一个人都不认识。verb + soul➤not tell不告诉人◆i will not tell a soul about this.这件事我不会告诉任何人。phrases➤not a soul in sight看不到人◆by midnight, there wasn't a soul in sight.到了午夜,一个人影儿也看不到。soul [countable] the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body; the spiritual part of a person, believed to exist after death; the spiritual and moral qualities of humans in general心灵;精神;灵魂;(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质◆there was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul.她内心深处感到焦躁不安。◆he believed his immortal soul was in peril.他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。◆his poetry deals with the dark side of the human soul.他的诗歌涉及人类精神世界中阴暗的一面。soul [countable] a person of a particular type; (especially in negative sentences) a person某种人;(尤用于否定句)人◆it means bad news for some poor soul (= an unlucky person that you feel sympathy for).对某些可怜人来说,这是坏消息。◆a few brave souls queued all night to get tickets for centre court.几个勇气十足的人排了一夜队,买到了进入中心球场的票。◆there wasn't another soul in sight (= no one around).连个人影都不见。ⓘ soul is mainly used in a few fixed phrases, especially in negative sentences. * soul 主要用于构成几个固定短语,尤用于否定句◆there was not a soul about / in sight / to be seen.连个人影都不见。◆i won't tell a soul.我不会告诉任何人。◆she's completely exhausted, poor soul!可怜她已累得精疲力竭了!otherwise, it is becoming old-fashioned or is used only in literary contexts.除此之外的用法都已过时,或仅用于文学语境。soul/səʊl ||; sol/noun1. [c] the spiritual part of a person that is believed to continue to exist after the body is dead 灵魂 2. [c,u] the inner part of a person containing his/her deepest thoughts and feelings 深层的思想或感情: ◇there was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul. 她内心深处有一种不安定的感觉。 ☞look at spirit. 参看spirit。 3. [c] (old-fashioned 旧) (used with adjectives) a particular type of person (与形容词连用)某种人: ◇she's a kind soul. 她是个心地善良的人。 4. [sing] (in negative statements 用于否定句) a person 人: ◇there wasn't a soul in sight (= there was nobody). 一个人影也没有。◇promise me you won't tell a soul. 你要向我保证不告诉任何人。 5. (also soul music) [u] a type of popular african american music 灵乐(一种美国黑人音乐): ◇a soul singer 一个灵乐歌手 heart and soul→heartsoul• ⇨ not a soul• ⇨ not breathe a word/not tell a soul• ⇨ pour out your heart/soul soul /sol; səʊl/n 1. [c] the part of a person that contains their deepest thoughts and feelings and which many people believe continues to exist after death 心灵; 灵魂 2. [c] a person 人:◇don't tell a soul! 别告诉任何人! 3. also 又作 soul music [u] a type of popular music, which often expresses deep emotions, usually performed by black singers and musicians 灵乐[一种通常由黑人演唱和演奏,表达强烈感情的流行音乐]




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