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单词 scrap¹
释义 scrap¹ /skræp; skræp/n 1. [c] a small piece or amount of something 小片; 少量,少许:◇if you've got a scrap of paper, i'll write down my address. 你有纸的话,我就把我的地址写下来。◇there's not a scrap of evidence to connect him with the murder. 毫无证据说明他与这宗凶案有关。 2. [u] old cars and other machines that are no longer useful but have parts or metal that can be used again 废弃的材料,废品:◇the car's not worth fixing — we'll have to sell it for scrap. 这车子已经不值得修了 — 我们只能把它当作废铜烂铁卖掉。 3. [c] informal a short fight or argument 【非正式】 短暂的打架; 吵架,口角:◇he had a scrap with one of the boys at school. 他在学校里和一个男同学吵架了。→ see also 另见 scraps




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