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单词 overseas
释义 overseas /əʊvəsiːz; name oʊvərs-/ adjectiveconnected with foreign countries, especially those that you have to cross the sea or ocean to get to 海外的;外国的◆overseas development/trade 海外发展/贸易◆japan is our biggest overseas market. 日本是我们最大的海外市场。◆our overseas competitors have raised their prices. 我们的海外竞争对手提高了价格。  ➡  offshore overseas /əʊvəsiːz; name oʊvərs-/ adverbto or in a foreign country, especially those that you have to cross the sea or ocean to get to 在海外;在国外◆to live/work/go overseas 在国外生活/工作;出国◆the product is sold both at home and overseas. 这种产品行销国内外。☞ overseas☞ overseasoverseas /əʊvəsiːz; name oʊvərsiːz/ [only before noun] (especially business尤用于商业) connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean; (of a person) from or living in a foreign country外国的;海外的;(人)来自外国的,住在外国的◆the overseas aid budget has been cut.已削减了对外援助的预算。◆the hotel is popular with overseas visitors to london.这家旅馆很受来伦敦的外国游客欢迎。opp domestic , home → national ▸ overseas adverb◆he was working overseas for an oil company.当时他供职于一家石油公司,驻外工作。overseasadverb◆he was working overseas for an oil company.当时他供职于一家石油公司,驻外工作。overseasadverb◆he was working overseas for an oil company.当时他供职于一家石油公司,驻外工作。overseas/ˌəʊvəˈsi:z ||; ˈovɚˈsiz/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) adv in, to or from another country that you have to cross the sea to get to (在、到或来自)海外的,国外的: ◇overseas students studying in britain 在英国留学的海外学生◇frank has gone to live overseas. 弗兰克已到国外生活去了。 overseassee ⇨ foreign 1,3     • • •• ⇨ go overseas o·ver·seas /`ovə`siz; ˌəʊvəˈsiːz◄/adj, advto, in, or from a foreign country that is across the sea 到[在,来自]海外(的),到[在,来自]国外(的):◇an overseas tour 海外旅游◇i often get to travel overseas. 我经常有机会出国。




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