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单词 mathematics
释义 mathematics nounadjective | phrases adjective➤applied, pure应用/纯粹数学▸➤school中小学数学▸➤elementary, higher初等/高等数学phrases➤a branch of mathematics数学的一个分支  ➡ note at subject (for verbs and nouns) mathematics/ˌmæθəˈmætɪks ||; ˌmæθəˈmætɪks/noun [u] the science or study of numbers, quantities or shapes 数学 the british english abbreviation is maths, the american english is math maths/math is my favourite subject. 英国英语的缩写为maths,美国英语的缩写为math:maths/math is my favourite subject.数学是我最喜欢的科目。 ☞look also at arithmetic, algebra and geometry. 另参看arithmetic、algebra及geometry。 ➔mathematical /ˌmæθəˈmætɪkl ||; ˌmæθəˈmætɪkḷ/ adj mathematical calculations 数学运算 ➔mathematically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv math·e·mat·ics /ˏmæθə`mætɪks; ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks/n [u]the study or science of numbers or shapes 数学 ☞ mathematics




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