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单词 patient
释义 patient nounadjective | verb + patient | patient + verb | patient + noun | preposition adjective➤aids, cancer, cardiac, diabetic, heart, etc.艾滋病、癌症、心脏病、糖尿病等病人➤surgical, transplant外科/器官移植病人◆developments that will help surgical patients recover more quickly帮助手术患者更快康复的新方法➤mental, psychiatric精神病人;精神病患者➤depressed, mentally ill抑郁症/精神病患者▸➤seriously ill, severely ill, terminally ill重病患者;晚期病人➤high-risk, vulnerable (especially bre) 高危/易损患者▸➤hospital住院病人➤private (especially bre) 自费病人◆he only takes private patients.他只收治自费病人。➤elderly, older上了年纪的/年龄较大的病人▸➤adult, child成年病人;儿童患者➤paediatric/pediatric儿科患者verb + patient➤assess, examine, see, treat判定病情;检查病人;看病人;治疗病人◆she sees an average of 35 patients every day.她平均每天看 35 个病人。➤admit接收患者入院◆the patient was admitted to hospital yesterday.这个病人昨天入的院。➤discharge让病人出院◆patients waiting to be discharged from hospital等待出院的病人➤refer (to sb/sth), transfer (to sth)将病人转到⋯patient + verb➤develop sth, have sth, suffer from sth病人得⋯病/有⋯病/患⋯病◆the patient has a severe heart condition.这名患者有严重的心脏病。➤suffer sth患者遭受⋯病◆patients who have suffered a heart attack犯过心脏病的患者➤be diagnosed with sth患者被诊断患有⋯◆the patient was first diagnosed with malaria.患者开始被诊断患有疟疾。➤present with sth呈现⋯病症的患者◆many patients present with conditions that cannot be easily diagnosed.许多病人显现出一些无法轻易诊断的症状。➤respond (to sth)病人(对⋯)有⋯反应◆these patients are responding well to the new drug.这些病人对新药的反应很好。➤improve病人的病情好转➤receive sth, undergo sth病人接受⋯/经受⋯◆patients undergoing chemotherapy may be at a higher risk of infection.接受化疗的患者受感染的风险可能更高。patient + noun➤care对病人的护理preposition➤patient with患⋯病的病人◆patients with liver disease肝病患者patient adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, sound有耐心;听起来有耐心▸➤remain一直很耐心adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极为/颇为/非常有耐心▸➤incredibly极有耐心▸➤endlessly, infinitely有无穷耐心preposition➤about对⋯有耐心◆she's been extremely patient about it all.她对整件事一直极有耐心。➤with对⋯有耐心◆he was endlessly patient with the children.他对孩子们非常有耐心。 patient nounpatient ♦︎ case ♦︎ victim ♦︎ sufferer ♦︎ the sick ♦︎ invalid ♦︎ the dyingthese are all words for people who are not well and need medical help.这些词均表示病人、患者。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / the long-term patient / victim / sufferer / sick◆a chronic patient / case / sufferer / invalid◆a / an cancer / aids patient / case / victim / sufferer◆an asthma patient / sufferer◆a stroke patient / victim◆to care for a patient / a sufferer / the sick / an invalid / the dying◆to treat a patient / a case / a victim / a sufferer / the sick■ patient [countable] a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in a hospital; a person who receives treatment from a particular doctor or dentist接受治疗者;(医院中或某个医生的)病人◆he made friends with another patient on the ward.他和病房里的另一位病人成了朋友。◆she's one of dr shaw's patients.她是肖医生的病人之一。■ case [countable] the fact of sb having a disease or injury; a person suffering from a disease or injury病例;病案;病人;伤员◆over 500 000 cases of cholera were reported in 1991.1991 年共报告霍乱病例 50 多万起。◆the most serious cases were treated at the scene of the accident.受伤最重的人在事故现场得到了救治。■ victim [countable] a person who is suffering from a disease or medical condition罹病者;患者◆aids victims are prone to pick up infections.艾滋病患者易受感染。■ sufferer [countable] a person who is suffering from a disease or medical condition罹病者;患者◆local services provide residential care for dementia sufferers.地方服务机构为痴呆患者提供食宿。◆she received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.她收到了许多病友寄来的鼓励信。 ➡ see also suffer from sth → suffer from sth note 辨析 victim or sufferer?both these words are usually used after another noun for the name of a disease, and in many cases you can use either word.这两个词通常用于表示疾病的名词后,在许多情况下可以通用◆cancer / aids / leukaemia victims / sufferers癌症/艾滋病/白血病患者 victim is more frequent in these cases and can make the disease sound worse, but sufferer is used with a wider range of medical conditions, especially long-term conditions.在这些情况下 victim 较常用,且显得病情较严重。但是与 sufferer 连用的表示病症的词更多,尤与表示长期病症的词连用◆dementia / asthma / arthritis / sclerosis sufferers痴呆/哮喘病/关节炎/硬化症患者a victim can also be sb who has been hurt as the result of a crime or accident. * victim 还指犯罪行为或事故的受害者。  ➡ see also victim → victim 1■ the sick --> [plural] people who are seriously ill患重病的人◆he healed the sick and comforted the broken-hearted.他治愈患病之躯,抚慰受伤之心。 ➡ see also sick → sick 1 ■ invalid /ɪnvəlɪd, ɪnvəliːd/ [countable] a person who needs other people to take care of them, because of illness that they have had for a long time病弱者;久病衰弱者◆she had been a delicate child and her parents had treated her as an invalid.她儿时身体虚弱,父母把她当病人照料。■ the dying --> [plural] people who are dying垂死者;临终者◆volunteer nurses were tending to the sick and the dying.护士志愿者正在照顾重危病人和临终病人。patientable to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour without becoming angry有耐心的;能忍耐的◆you'll just have to be patient and wait till i'm finished.你得耐心等我完成。◆she's very patient with the children.她对孩子特别有耐心。 opp impatient → restless  ➡ see also patience → patience ▸ patiently adverb◆to listen / sit / wait patiently耐心倾听/坐着/等待patient [countable] a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in a hospital; a person who receives treatment from a particular doctor or dentist接受治疗者;(医院中或某个医生的)病人◆he made friends with another patient on the ward.他和病房里的另一位病人成了朋友。◆she's one of dr shaw's patients.她是肖医生的病人之一。patient¹/ˈpeɪʃnt ||; ˈpeʃənt/adj patient (with sb/sth) able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when there is a difficulty or you have to wait a long time 有耐性的;有耐心的;能忍耐的: ◇she's very patient with young children. 她对小孩子很有耐心。 [opp] impatient 反义词为impatient➔patiently adv ◇to wait patiently 耐心等候patient²/ˈpeɪʃnt ||; ˈpeʃənt/noun [c] a person who is receiving medical treatment 病人;患者: ◇a hospital patient 住院病人◇he's one of dr waters' patients. 他是沃特斯医生的一个病人。 patientsee ⇨ ill/sick 7 ⇨ wait 6☞ patient¹☞ patient²




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