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单词 literally
释义 literally/ˈlɪtərəli ||; ˈlɪtərəlɪ/adv1. according to the basic or original meaning of the word, etc 根据词等的本义或原义: ◇you can't translate these idioms literally. 这些习语不能逐字翻译。 2. (informal 非正式) used for emphasizing sth (用于强调): ◇we were literally frozen to death (= we were very cold). 我们简直冻死了。 lit·e·ral·ly /`lɪtərəlɪ; ˈlɪtərəli/adv 1. according to the basic or original meaning of a word or expression 按照原义,根据字面意思:◇the word "melodrama" literally means a play with music. melodrama 的原义是带有音乐的戏剧。◇she was literally shaking with fear. 她真的吓得发抖。 2. spoken used to emphasize what you are saying. some people consider this meaning to be incorrect 【口】 简直[用于强调所说的话,有些人认为这个意思是不正确的]:◇we've been working day and night, literally, to try to finish on time. 我们简直是日以继夜地工作,争取按时完成。 3. take sb/sth literally to not understand the real meaning of what someone says to you, because you are only thinking about the most simple meaning or the words they use 仅仅从字面理解某人/某事物[因而产生误解]:◇when i told her to go and jump in the lake, i didn't think she'd take me literally! 我叫她去跳湖,我以为她不会照字面意思去理解的!




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