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单词 straighten
释义 straightenverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he stood up and straightened his shoulders.他站起身,挺起肩膀。straightenverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he stood up and straightened his shoulders.他站起身,挺起肩膀。straighten/ˈstreɪtn ||; ˈstretṇ/verb [i,t] straighten (sth) (up/out) to become straight or to make sth straight (使)直,平正: ◇the road straightens out at the bottom of the hill. 那条路到了山脚就变直。 [t] ◇to straighten your tie 将领带弄正 straighten sth out to remove the confusion or difficulties from a situation 整顿;解决问题或困难 straighten up to make your body straight and vertical 挺直身子straightensee ⇨ straight 4,4 straight·en /`stretṇ; ˈstreɪtn/v 1. [i,t] also 又作 straighten out to make something straight, or become straight 弄直; 使变直:◇he straightened his tie. 他正了正领带。 2. [t] especially ame 【尤美】 also 又作 straighten up to clean a room that is untidy 整理,清理[房间]straighten out1 [t straighten sth ↔ out] to deal with a problem or difficult situation 处理,解决[问题或困难]:◇i'll talk to him and see if i can straighten things out. 我跟他谈谈,看看能不能把这事解决。2 [i,t straighten sth ↔ out] to become straight or make something straight 使变直; 弄直:◇the path straightened out. 路变直了。straighten upto stand with your back straight 站直,挺直




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