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单词 mono
释义 mono-/ˈmɒnəʊ ||; ˈmɑno/prefix (used in nouns and adjectives 用于构成名词及形容词) one; single 一;单: ◇monorail 单轨铁路◇monolingual 单语的 mono/ˈmɒnəʊ ||; ˈmɑno/adj (used about recorded music or a system for playing it) having the sound coming from one direction only (指收录的音乐或播放音乐的系统)单声道的 ☞look at stereo. 参看stereo。 mon·o /`mɑno; ˈmɒnəʊ/n [u]informal ame a serious infectious illness that makes you feel weak and tired for a long time afterwards 【非正式,美】传染性单核细胞增多症,腺热; glandular fever bre 【英】 mono- /mɑno; mɒnəʊ/prefixused at the beginning of some words to mean having only one of something 单; 一:◇monolingual (=using only one language) 只用一种语言的,单语的




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