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单词 monitor
释义 monitor noun¹ 1television/computer screen电视或计算机屏幕adjective | preposition adjective➤colour/color彩色显示器➤digital数字显示器▸➤cctv, computer, pc, television, tv, video闭路电视监控器;电脑显示器;电视监控器;视频显示器➤flat-panel, flat-screen, lcd, touch-screen纯平显示器;液晶显示器;触摸显示屏preposition➤on a/the monitor在监控器上◆the security staff can see the outside of the building on their cctv monitors.安全保卫人员可以在闭路电视监控器上看到大楼外的情况。monitor noun² 2machine that records/checks sth记录仪;检测器adjective | monitor + verb | phrases adjective➤baby, foetal/fetal, heart, heart-rate, oxygen, pulse, radiation婴儿/胎儿/心脏/心率/氧气/脉搏/辐射监测仪monitor + verb➤detect sth监测仪测出⋯▸➤display sth, show sth监测仪显示⋯◆the heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.心脏监测仪可以测出脉搏跳动的强度。➤beep, flicker监测仪嘟嘟响/闪烁phrases➤hooked up to a monitor连接到监测仪上◆he was lying there hooked up to a heart monitor.他躺在那儿,身上连着一台心脏监测仪。monitor noun³ 3sb who checks sth is done fairly/correctly监督员adjective➤un联合国监督员◆un monitors declared the referendum fair.联合国监督员宣布全民公决是公正的。➤ceasefire, election停火/选举监督员➤court-appointed (name) 法庭指定的监督员▸➤hall, school纠察员;学校的班长monitor verbadverb | verb + monitor | preposition adverb➤carefully, closely, rigorously, strictly认真监督;密切监控;严格监督◆television advertising is strictly monitored.电视广告受到严格监督。➤periodically, regularly, routinely, systematically定期监控;例行监控;系统地监控▸➤constantly, continually, continuously持续监控▸➤effectively, properly有效监控;适当监督▸➤automatically自动监控➤remotely远程监控➤electronically电子监控verb + monitor➤be able to能够监控◆we will now be able to monitor its progress more closely.我们现在能够更密切地监控其进展情况。➤continue to继续密切关注◆the authorities will continue to monitor the situation.当局将继续密切关注形势。preposition➤for为⋯监测◆the workers are constantly monitored for exposure to radiation.这些员工接受了持续的受辐射程度监测。monitor /mɒnɪtə(r); name mɑːn-/ noun [countable] 1.a screen that shows information from a computer 电脑显示器◆a 17-inch, flat-screen monitor 17 英寸平板显示器◆flight boarding times are displayed on the overhead monitors. 登机时间显示在头顶上方的显示器上。  ➡  vdt , vdu  ➡  picture at office 2.a person whose job is to check that sth is done fairly and honestly 监督员◆a court-appointed monitor had to approve the new ceo 's pay package. 新任首席执行官的薪酬计划须由法院指定的核查员批准。monitor /mɒnɪtə(r); name mɑːn-/ verb [transitive] to watch and check a process over a period of time in order to see how it develops and make any necessary changes 监测;监视◆this is a simpler system that requires fewer engineers to monitor it. 这是一个更为简单的系统,不需要像以前那么多的工程师来对它进行监测。◆the situation is being closely monitored. 局势得到严密监视。◆the software enables companies to monitor employees' internet use. 这款软件使公司能够监测员工使用互联网的情况。☞ monitor☞ monitormonitor verbmonitor ♦︎ track ♦︎ keep an eye on sb/sth ♦︎ watch ♦︎ keep track of sb/sth ♦︎ keep tabs on sb/sththese words all mean to watch, listen to or check sth over a period of time.这些词均表示监视、关注、跟踪调查。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to monitor / track / keep an eye on / watch (sb / sth) for sth◆to monitor / track / keep an eye on / watch / keep track of / keep tabs on what / who / where...◆to monitor / track / watch how...◆to monitor / track / watch / keep track of / keep tabs on sb / sth's movements◆to monitor / keep an eye on / watch / keep tabs on a situation◆to carefully / closely monitor / track / watch sb / sth■ monitor /mɒnɪtə(r); name mɑːnɪtər/ [transitive, often passive] to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops监视;监测;跟踪调查◆the animals' temperature and heartbeat are regularly monitored.这些动物的体温和心跳是定期进行监测的。◆each student's progress is closely monitored over the term.每个学生在学期内的学习情况都受到密切关注。 ➡ see also monitor → inspector noun ■ track [transitive] to watch the movements of sb/sth over a period of time, especially by using special electronic equipment; to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops(尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪,追踪;跟踪调查◆we continued tracking the plane on our radar.我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。◆the research project involves tracking the careers of 400 law school graduates.这项研究对 400 名法学院毕业生的事业发展情况进行了跟踪调查。note 辨析 monitor or track?you track sth over a period of time because what you find out might be interesting. you monitor sth regularly or over a period of time because the information is necessary and you may need to take action.之所以在一段时期内 track 某事物,是因为发现的结果可能很有意思。之所以定期或在一段时期内 monitor 某事物,是因为必须得到相关的信息并可能需要据此采取行动。■ keep an eye on sb/sth -->idiom(kept, kept) (rather informal, especially spoken) to watch sb/sth over a period of time to make sure that they are not harmed or damaged, or in order to find out information about them, so that you are ready to take any necessary action照看;留意;关注◆we've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.我们请邻居在我们离家时帮忙照看一下房子。◆the police have been keeping a close eye on gang activity in the dock area.警方一直在密切注意码头地区的犯罪团伙活动。■ watch [transitive] to take care of sb/sth for a short time; to look at and follow the movements or development of sb/sth over a period of time(短时间)照看,看护,照管;对⋯保持关注◆could you watch my bags for me while i buy a paper?我去买份报纸,你能帮我照看一下我的包吗?◆this initiative is being closely watched by government regulators.政府监管部门正在密切关注这项新方案。  ➡ see also watch → watch noun ■ keep track of sb/sth -->idiom(kept, kept)to watch the movements or development of sb/sth over a period of time in order to know where sb/sth is, what sb/sth is doing, or what is happening了解⋯的动态;与⋯保持联系◆satellites were used during the war to keep track of vehicle movements.战争期间用卫星来追踪车辆的运行情况。◆bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.银行结单有助于你了解你的支出情况。■ keep tabs on sb/sth -->idiom(kept, kept) (informal) to watch the movements or development of sb/sth over a period of time in order to know what is happening so that you can control a particular situation监视;注视◆it's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.监视每个人的行动并非总能办得到。◆it's my accountant's job to keep tabs on the financial situation at all times.我的会计师的职责是随时密切注意财务状况。note 辨析 keep track of sb/sth or keep tabs on sb/sth? keeping track of sb/sth is mostly about getting information; keeping tabs on sb/sth is more about being in control. * keep track of sb/sth 大多是为了获取信息,keep tabs on sb/sth 更多是为了实施控制。monitor /mɒnɪtə(r); name mɑːnɪtər/ [countable] a person whose job is to check that sth is done fairly and honestly, especially in a foreign country(尤指派往国外的)监督员,核查员◆un monitors declared the referendum fair.联合国核查员宣布这次全民投票是公正的。  ➡ see also monitor → monitor verb monitor /mɒnɪtə(r); name mɑːnɪtər/ [transitive, often passive] to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops监视;监测;跟踪调查◆the animals' temperature and heartbeat are regularly monitored.这些动物的体温和心跳是定期进行监测的。◆each student's progress is closely monitored over the term.每个学生在学期内的学习情况都受到密切关注。 ➡ see also monitor → inspector noun monitor /mɒnɪtə(r); name mɑːnɪtər/ [transitive](especially of an official organization) to listen to telephone calls or foreign radio broadcasts or read emails, etc. in order to collect information, usually over a long period(尤指官方组织为收集情报)监听(电话或外国无线电广播),监控(电子邮件)◆the company routinely monitors all its employees' emails.这家公司例行监控所有员工的电子邮件。◆during the war his job was to monitor enemy radio broadcasts.他的战时工作是监听敌方的无线电广播。monitor¹/ˈmɒnɪtə(r) ||; ˈmɑnətɚ/noun[c] 1. a machine that shows information or pictures on a screen like a television; a screen that shows information from a computer (计算机的)显示器;监视器 ☞picture on page s2 见?2页插图 2. a machine that records or checks sth 监测器,探测器(用作记录或检查的机器): ◇a monitor checks the baby's heartbeat. 监测器检查婴儿的心跳。 monitor²/ˈmɒnɪtə(r) ||; ˈmɑnətɚ/verb [t] to check, record or test sth regularly for a period of time (定期)监测,检测: ◇pollution levels in the lake are closely monitored. 湖水的污染程度受到密切的监测。 monitorsee ⇨ listen 2 ⇨ watch 4☞ monitor¹☞ monitor²




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