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单词 graffiti
释义 graffiti nounadjective | ... of graffiti | verb + graffiti | graffiti + noun adjective➤obscene, offensive淫秽的/污辱性的涂鸦▸➤➤racist种族主义涂鸦... of graffiti➤piece一条涂鸦verb + graffiti➤daub, scrawl, spray, spray-paint, write涂抹口号;乱涂标语;喷涂口号;写标语◆racist graffiti was sprayed on the walls.墙上喷涂有种族主义的标语。➤be covered in, be covered with, be daubed with, be sprayed with布满涂鸦;喷涂着标语口号◆the buildings were covered with graffiti.建筑物上满是涂鸦。➤clean, remove清洗/除去涂鸦graffiti + noun➤artist涂鸦艺术家◆a fashionable graffiti artist时髦的涂鸦艺术家➤vandal故意涂鸦搞破坏的人graffiti/grəˈfi:ti ||; grəˈfitɪ/noun [u] [pl] pictures or writing on a wall, etc in a public place 涂在公共场所的墙壁等地方的图画或文字: ◇the wall was covered with graffiti. 墙壁给涂得一塌糊涂。 graffitisee ⇨ write 13 graf·fi·ti /græ`fitɪ; ɡræˈfiːti/n [u]writing and pictures that are drawn on the walls of buildings, usually illegally [在墙上非法的]乱涂乱抹,涂鸦




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