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单词 retainer
释义 retainer /rɪteɪnə(r)/ noun [countable, uncountable] an amount of money that is paid to sb to make sure they are available to do work when they are needed (聘请律师等的)预付费用,保留金◆he received a monthly retainer of $6 000. 他收到了每月 6 000 元的聘用金。◆the company has a labour lawyer on retainer. 这家公司雇用了一位劳工律师。  ➡  retain (3) ☞ retainer re·tain·er /rɪ`tenə; rɪˈteɪnə/n [c] 1. an amount of money that you pay regularly to someone, so that they will continue to work for you [定期支付的]聘用订金 2. ame something that you wear inside your mouth to make your teeth stay straight 【美】 牙齿矫正器; brace bre【英】




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