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单词 proviso
释义 proviso /prəvaɪzəʊ; name -zoʊ/ noun [countable] (plural provisos) a condition that must be accepted before an agreement can be made 限制性条款;附文;(附带)条件◆the committee has decided to approve the contract with the proviso that these amendments are made. 委员会决定在进行多处修改的条件下批准这一合同。 syn provision ☞ provisoproviso /prəvaɪzəʊ; name prəvaɪzoʊ/ (plural provisos) [countable] (rather formal) a condition that must be agreed to before an agreement can be made限制条款;附文;但书◆he agreed to their visit with the proviso that they should stay no longer than one week.他同意他们来做客,但条件是逗留不能超过一周。proviso/prəˈvaɪzəʊ ||; prəˈvaɪzo/noun [c] (plural provisos) a condition that must be accepted before an agreement can be made (达成协议前必须接受的)条件: ◇he agreed to the visit with the proviso that they should stay no longer than a week. 他同意来访,条件是他们逗留的时间不得超过一个星期。 provisosee ⇨ condition 8 pro·vi·so /prə`vaɪzo; prəˈvaɪzəʊ/n [c]formal when you agree to allow something to happen, but only if something else happens 【正式】 附带条件,限制性条款




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