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单词 invisible
释义 invisible adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be看不出来▸➤become变得让人难以看见▸➤remain依然隐形▸➤make sb/sth, render sb/sth使⋯隐形◆he wished that he could make himself invisible.他希望自己能够隐身。◆it's interesting how women are rendered invisible in these statistics.从这些统计数字中根本看不出女性的存在,所用的手法真是有趣。adverb➤completely, totally完全/彻底不可见▸➤almost, nearly, practically, virtually几乎让人看不见;实际上不可见▸➤largely基本上让人看不见▸➤effectively事实上看不出来preposition➤to对⋯来说不可见◆infrared light is invisible to the human eye.人眼看不见红外线。 invisible adjectiveinvisible ♦︎ out of sight ♦︎ inconspicuous ♦︎ imperceptiblethese words all describe sb/sth that cannot be seen.这些词均表示看不见的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆invisible / imperceptible to sb / sth◆to remain invisible / out of sight / inconspicuous◆almost invisible / out of sight / imperceptible■ invisible that cannot be seen看不见的;隐形的◆the tanks were camouflaged so that they were invisible from the air.这些坦克经过伪装,从空中发现不了。◆there are countless stars that are invisible to the naked eye.有数不清的星球肉眼看不见。 opp visible → visible ▸ invisibly adverb◆he moved away invisibly into the background.■ out of sight -->phrasein a place where you/it cannot be seen在视野以外;在看不见的地方◆if you leave the camera in the car, put it out of sight under the seat.要把照相机留在车里的话,就放到座位下看不见的地方。◆keep out of sight (= stay where you cannot be seen).不要露面。◆she never lets her daughter out of her sight (= always keeps her where she can see her).她从来不让女儿离开她的视线。◆get out of my sight!(= go away!) 滚开! opp in view → visible ■ inconspicuous /ɪnkənspɪkjuəs/ not attracting attention; not easy to notice不引人注目的;不起眼的◆she tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.她尽可能让自己不引人注目。 opp conspicuous → marked ■ imperceptible /ɪmpəseptəbl; name ɪmpərseptəbl/ (rather formal) that cannot be felt, seen or noticed because it is very slight(微弱得)无法察觉的,感觉不到的◆there are imperceptible changes in temperature occurring all the time.气温一直都在发生难以觉察的变化。◆the differences were imperceptible to all but the most trained eye.只有最训练有素的眼睛才能察觉到这些差异。▸ imperceptibly adverb◆the daylight faded almost imperceptibly into night.天光渐暗,夜晚悄然降临。invisiblethat cannot be seen看不见的;隐形的◆the tanks were camouflaged so that they were invisible from the air.这些坦克经过伪装,从空中发现不了。◆there are countless stars that are invisible to the naked eye.有数不清的星球肉眼看不见。 opp visible → visible ▸ invisibly adverb◆he moved away invisibly into the background.invisible/ɪnˈvɪzəbl ||; ɪnˈvɪzəbḷ/adj invisible (to sb/sth) that cannot be seen 看不见的: ◇bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye 肉眼看不见的细菌 [opp] visible 反义词为visible➔invisibility /ɪnˌvɪzəˈbɪləti ||; ˌɪnvɪzəˈbɪlətɪ/ noun [u] ➔invisibly /-bli/ advinvisiblesee ⇨ see 6 in·vis·i·ble /ɪn`vɪzəbḷ; ɪnˈvɪzɪbəl/adjimpossible to see 看不见的,无形的:◇the entrance to the cave was almost invisible. 洞穴的入口几乎是看不见的。




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