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单词 negligent
释义 negligent adjective (law法律) verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem疏忽;好像疏忽adverb➤grossly严重疏忽➤criminally过失犯罪的preposition➤in在⋯上疏忽◆the hospital was negligent in the way it cared for this young man.医院对这个年轻人疏于照顾。➤over对⋯疏忽◆the court found him to be negligent over the loss of £18 million by the local authority.法庭宣判他在当地政府损失 1,800 万英镑一案中犯有玩忽职守罪。☞ negligencenegligent /neglɪdʒənt/ (formal or law法律 (especially written) failing to give sb/sth enough care or attention, especially when this has serious results疏忽的(尤指造成严重后果)◆the school had been negligent in not informing the child's parents about the incident.校方疏忽了,没向孩子的父母通报这件事。▸ negligence noun [uncountable] ◆the accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver.事故是由于司机一方的大意造成的。▸ negligently adverb◆the defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post.被告开车大意,撞上了一根路灯柱子。 neg·li·gent /`nɛglədʒənt; ˈneɡlɪdʒənt/adjnot doing something that you are responsible for, when this has caused something bad to happen 疏忽的,玩忽职守的




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