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单词 office
释义 office noun¹ 1room/building where work is done办公场所adjective | verb + office | verb + office | office + noun | preposition adjective➤big, huge, large, spacious宽敞的办公室▸➤cramped, small, tiny狭小的办公室▸➤plush豪华的办公室▸➤high-rise高层办公大楼◆london has relatively few high-rise office buildings compared to cities in the us.与美国城市相比, 伦敦的高层写字楼相对少些。➤five-storey/five-story, ten-storey/ten-story, etc. * 5 层、10 层等的办公楼▸➤glass-fronted, glass-walled (especially name) 装有玻璃幕墙的办公楼➤busy繁忙的办公室➤open-plan敞开式办公室▸➤corner分区式办公室▸➤back, front后勤部门;(公司等的)总办事处▸➤air-conditioned有空调的办公室▸➤paperless无纸办公室▸➤permanent, temporary永久/临时办事处◆the company set up its first permanent offices in manhattan.该公司在曼哈顿建立了第一个长期办事处。➤private私人办公室◆the prime minister arranged a meeting in his private office.首相在他的私人办公室里安排了一次会谈。➤central, head, main, national总部;国内办事处▸➤corporate, executive公司/行政办公室▸➤area, branch, county, district, field (especially name) , local, overseas, regional, satellite地区办事处;分部;县办事处;区办事处;现场办事处;当地办事处;海外办事处;区域办事处;附属办事处➤congressional, federal国会/联邦办公大楼➤council, government, state议会办公楼;政府办公楼;州办公大楼▸➤administrative, editorial, press, sales, etc.行政、编辑、新闻、销售等办公室➤newspaper报社办公楼➤medical (name) 卫生监察部门➤dentist's, doctor's, nurse's, physician's, surgeon's, etc. (all name) 牙医诊所、诊室、护士办公室、内科诊室、外科诊室等verb + office➤manage, run管理办事处➤come to, go to来办公室;去办公室▸➤arrive at, get to到达办公室;上班▸➤leave下班◆what time do you usually leave the office?你通常几点下班?➤come into, go into进入办公室◆i sometimes go into the office on saturdays when we're busy.有时忙起来我周六也上班。➤call, contact, reach打电话给办公室;与办公室联系;与办公室联系上◆you can contact our sales office at this number.你可以打这个电话和我们的销售部门联系。➤establish, open设立/开设办事处◆we plan to open a new york office in the near future.我们计划于近期在纽约开设一个办事处。➤close关闭办事处verb + office➤overlook sth办公大楼鸟瞰⋯◆an office overlooking the hudson river一座鸟瞰哈得孙河的办公大楼office + noun➤job, work办公室工作▸➤hours办公时间◆call this number outside normal office hours.正常办公时间以外打这个电话。➤colleague, staff, worker办公室同事/职员/工作人员▸➤life办公室生活▸➤gossip, politics办公室闲言碎语/政治▸➤party办公室的聚会◆we have an office party every christmas.每年圣诞节我们都在办公室搞联欢会。➤administrator, assistant, cleaner, clerk, manager办公室行政人员/助理/清洁人员/文书/主管▸➤boy, girl, junior (bre, all old-fashioned) 办公室男勤杂员;办公室女勤杂员;办公室勤杂员▸➤chair, computer, desk, door, equipment, furniture, software, stationery, supplies办公椅;办公电脑;办公桌;办公室的门;办公设备;办公家具;办公软件;办公文具;办公用品▸➤system, technology办公系统/技术设备▸➤environment办公环境◆working in a busy office environment can be stressful.在繁忙的办公环境中工作会很有压力。➤accommodation, area, block, building, complex, development, park, premises, space, suite, tower办公场所;办公区;办公大楼;商务花园;办公套间;办公塔楼◆the old warehouses have been redeveloped as office buildings.旧仓库改建成办公场所了。➤facilities, services办公设施/服务◆the hotel provides office facilities such as computers and faxes.该宾馆提供计算机、传真机等办公设备。➤expenses办公支出➤administration, management办公室管理▸➤skills办公技巧▸➤procedures办公程序➤visit (name) 诊室就诊◆the bill from an office visit to the doctor到医生诊室就诊的收费单preposition➤at the office在办公室◆i sometimes have to stay late at the office.有时我不得不在办公室工作到很晚。➤in the office上班◆i'm sorry, mr anders is not in the office today.抱歉,安德斯先生今天没来上班。office noun² 2official position职位adjective | verb + office | office + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, important显赫的职位;要职▸➤minor较低的职位▸➤lucrative待遇优厚的职位➤elected, elective当选的/通过选举产生的职位▸➤national, public公职▸➤ecclesiastical, judicial, ministerial, political教会/司法/部长级/政治职位verb + office➤run for, stand for (bre) 竞选职位;成为职位的候选人◆he ran for office in the last presidential election.他参加了上一届总统选举。➤seek谋求职位◆she has never sought public office.她从未谋求过公职。➤hold, remain in, retain, stay in在职;继续任职◆the president holds office for a period of four years.总统任职 4 年。➤be appointed to, be elected to获任命为;获选举为▸➤be re-elected to, be returned to再次获选担任;恢复职位◆the government was returned to office by a large majority.该政府受到大多数人支持而再度执政。➤win赢得职位▸➤assume, be sworn into, come into, come to, enter, take, take up (especially bre) 任职;宣誓就职;就任◆mr martens was sworn into office as prime minister in march.马腾斯先生于 3 月份宣誓就任首相。◆the party took office in 1997.该党于 1997 年上台执政。➤give up, leave, lose, relinquish, resign from, retire from, vacate放弃职位;离职;辞职;退休离任▸➤be driven from, be forced from, be forced out of, be removed from, be suspended from, be turned out of被迫离职;被迫下野;被免职;被停职;被撤职office + noun➤holder官员;公务员preposition➤in office执政◆the government seemed likely to remain in office for the next five years.这届政府好像有可能在未来 5 年继续执政。➤out of office在野◆the party has broken all the promises it made when out of office.该党违背了在野时所作的所有承诺。phrases➤a candidate for office职位候选人➤duties of the office职责▸➤an office of state政府要职◆the three great offices of state: the prime minister, the chancellor and the foreign secretary (bre) 三大政府要职:首相、财政大臣和外交大臣➤a term of office任期◆to be re-elected for a second term of office再次当选office /ɒfɪs; name ɔːf-; ɑːf-/ noun1. [countable] a room, set of rooms or building where people work, usually sitting at desks 办公室;办公楼◆the company is moving to new offices on the other side of town. 公司要搬到市区另一边的新办公楼。◆we have offices in 19 countries. 我们在 19 个国家设有办事处。◆the bank expects to open a hong kong office next year. 这家银行预计明年设立香港办事处。◆are you going to the office today? 你今天去办公室吗?◆an office manager 办公室主任⨁ a branch / local / an overseas / a regional office分公司;当地/海外/区域办事处 ⨁ to close (down) / open / set up an office关闭/开设/成立办事处 ⨁ office jobs / work办公室工作 ⨁ office staff / workers办公室员工/职员 2. [countable] a room in which a particular person works, usually at a desk (某人的)办公室◆is ms kent in her office? 肯特女士在她的办公室吗?◆some people have to share an office. 有些人只好共用一间办公室。◆office furniture 办公家具  ➡  open-plan ⨁ office equipment / furniture / supplies办公设备/家具/用品 3. [countable] (often used in compounds 常用于复合词) a room or building used for a particular purpose, especially to provide information or a service 办事处;(尤指)问讯处,服务处◆the local tourist office 当地旅游办事处◆a tax office 税务所◆an employment office 职业介绍所◆the company's sales office 公司的销售处4. [uncountable, countable] an important position of authority, especially in government; the work and duties connected with this 要职;重要官职;重要职务◆she has been disqualified from holding corporate office. 她已被取消在公司任职的资格。◆the present government took office in 2005. 本届政府于 2005 年开始执政。⨁ to hold / leave / take office任职;离职;就职 ⨁ to be in / out of office任职/离职 ⨁ corporate / executive / public office公司/行政职务;公职 back office front office ◇ head office ◇ home office ◇ land office ◇ main office ◇ patent office ◇ post office ◇ press office ◇ registered office ◇ sales office ◇ tourist office ◇ virtual office ☞ officeoffice noun 1➤are you going to the office today?你今天去办公室吗?➤come into my office.到我的办公室来。office ♦︎ headquarters ♦︎ work ♦︎ workplace ♦︎ basethese are all words for a room, set of rooms or building where people work.这些词均表示人们工作的办公室、办公楼、工作场所。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a / an) permanent / temporary / main / local / regional / administrative office / headquarters / base◆(a) district / national / international / council / government / campaign office / headquarters◆(a / an) army / military / enemy / rebel / operational / business headquarters / base◆to go to / come to / arrive at / get to / leave the office / headquarters / work◆to have / establish / set up an office / headquarters / a base■ office [countable] a room, set of rooms or building where people work, usually sitting at desks办公室;办公楼◆the company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.公司要迁往城另一边的新办公楼。◆are you going to the office today?你今天去办公室吗?◆we ought to inform head office.我们应该通知总部。■ headquarters [countable, uncountable + singular or plural verb] a place from which an organization or military operation is controlled; the people who work there总部;总公司;大本营;司令部◆several companies have their headquarters in the area.有几家公司总部设在这个地区。◆i'm now based at headquarters.我目前在总公司工作。◆headquarters in dublin have agreed.都柏林总部已经同意了。ⓘ headquarters is often abbreviated to hq. * headquarters 常缩写为 hq◆there's a general message to all staff from hq.有一条总部发给全体员工的一般信息。■ work [uncountable] (used without the 不与 the 连用) the place where you do your job工作地点;工作单位;工作场所◆i go to work at 8 o'clock.我 8 点钟去上班。◆the new legislation concerns health and safety at work.这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。◆her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.她工作单位的朋友来医院看望她。 ➡ see also work → work noun 2 ■ workplace /wɜːkpleɪs; name wɜːrkpleɪs/ [countable] (especially business尤用于商业 or journalism新闻) the office, factory, etc. where people work工作场所◆the introduction of new technology into the workplace has affected everyone in some way.把新技术引进到工作场所在某程度上已影响了每个人。◆these safety standards apply to all workplaces.这些安全标准适用于所有工作场所。ⓘ workplace is often used in the phrase the workplace. it is mostly used in broadcasting, journalism, and in fairly formal work contexts. * workplace 常用在短语 the workplace 中,主要用于广播节目、新闻报道和颇为正式的工作语境中。■ base [countable] the main place where a business operates from总部;大本营◆the company has its base in new york, and branch offices all over the world.公司总部设在纽约,分支遍布全世界。ⓘ base is a fairly general term, and can also be used to talk about the main place where a person lives or stays. * base 含义很广,亦可指某人居住或逗留的主要地点。office noun 2➤are you going to the office today?你今天去办公室吗?➤come into my office.到我的办公室来。office ♦︎ study ♦︎ studio ♦︎ workroomthese are all words for a room in which a person works.这些词均表示某个人的办公室、工作室。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a large / small office / study / studio / workroom■ office [countable] a room in which a particular person works, usually at a desk(某人的)办公室◆some people have to share an office.有些人得合用一间办公室。◆come into my office.到我的办公室来。ⓘ an office may be in a person's home or in a company building, but it is usually used for doing paid work rather than personal reading or writing. * office 既可以在自己家里,也可以在公司的办公楼内,但通常用于从事有偿工作而非个人阅读或写作。■ study [countable] a room, especially in sb's home, used for reading and writing书房◆she crossed the hallway and opened the door to her private study.她穿过门厅,打开了通往她私人书房的门。■ studio /stjuːdiəʊ; name stuːdioʊ/ [countable] a room where an artist works(艺术家的)工作室◆he was hoping to convert the cellar into a photographic studio.他盼着把地窖改建成摄影工作室。■ workroom [countable] a room in which work is done, especially work that involves making things工作室;工作间;作坊◆the jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop.珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。  ➡ see also workshop → factory office [countable] a room, set of rooms or building where people work, usually sitting at desks办公室;办公楼◆the company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.公司要迁往城另一边的新办公楼。◆are you going to the office today?你今天去办公室吗?◆we ought to inform head office.我们应该通知总部。office [countable] a room in which a particular person works, usually at a desk(某人的)办公室◆some people have to share an office.有些人得合用一间办公室。◆come into my office.到我的办公室来。ⓘ an office may be in a person's home or in a company building, but it is usually used for doing paid work rather than personal reading or writing. * office 既可以在自己家里,也可以在公司的办公楼内,但通常用于从事有偿工作而非个人阅读或写作。office [uncountable, countable] an important position of authority, especially in government; the work and duties connected with this(尤指政府)要职;重要官职;重要职务◆she held office as a cabinet minister for ten years.她担任内阁部长十年之久。◆how long has he been in office?他任职多久了?◆the party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years.那个党已在野多年了。◆ (especially name) bush ran for office again in 2004.2004 年,小布什再次参加竞选。◆ (bre) to stand for office竞选要职◆he took over the office of treasurer last year.他去年接管司库一职。  ➡ see also power → control noun  ➡ see also the entry for job另见 job 条office [countable] (usually in compounds通常用于构成复合词) a room or building used for a particular purpose, especially to provide information or a service办事处;(尤指)问讯处,服务处◆you should be able to get a map at the local tourist office.你在当地旅游办事处应该能够拿到一张地图。◆there was a long wait at the ticket office.在售票处等待了很长时间。ⓘ office is used in the names of some british government departments. * office 用于英国一些政府部门的名称中◆the foreign office外交部◆the home office内政部◆the office of fair trading公平贸易局office/ˈɒfɪs; us ˈɔ:f- ||; ˈɔfɪs/noun1. [c] a room, set of rooms or a building where people work, usually sitting at desks 办公室;办事处: ◇i usually get to the office at about 9 o'clock. 我通常约9时左右到达办公室。◇the firm's head office (= the main branch of the company) is in glasgow. 那家公司的总部设在格拉斯哥。◇please phone again during office hours. 请于办公时间内再来电话。 in the us doctors and dentists have offices. in britain they have surgeries. 在美国,医生及牙医的诊所称为office。在英国则称为surgery。 2. [c] (often used to form compound nouns 常用于构成复合名词) a room or building that is used for a particular purpose, especially for providing a service 有特定用途的房间或建筑物(尤指用来提供服务者): ◇the tax/ticket/tourist office 税务大楼;售票处;游客服务处 ☞look at booking office, box office and post office. 参看booking office、box office及post office。 3. office [sing] a government department, including the people who work there and the work they do 政府机关: ◇the foreign/home office 外交部;内务部 4. [u] an official position, often as part of a government or other organization (政府或其他机构的)公职;官职: ◇the labour party has been in office since 1997. 工党自1997年起执政。 office• ⇨ head office• ⇨ hold office• ⇨ in office• ⇨ take office of·fice /`ɔfɪs; ˈɒfɪs/n 1. [c] a building that belongs to an organization, where people work 办公楼,办事处:◇are you going to the office today? 你今天要去公司吗? 2. [c] a room where you work that has a desk, telephone etc 办公室:◇the manager's office 经理办公室 3. [u] an important job or position 重要的工作[职位]:◇in office (=while having an important job or position) 在任: the president died after only fifteen months in office. 总统上任才十五个月就去世了。 ☞ office




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