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单词 offering
释义 offering noun¹ 1something produced for other people为他人生产出的东西adjective | verb + offering | offering + verb | preposition adjective➤latest, new, recent最新作品;新作➤current当下的作品➤standard标准产品◆the hot dog vendor's standard offerings of mustard, relish and ketchup热狗店通常提供的芥末、调味料和番茄酱➤innovative创新产品◆suzuki's latest innovative offering could well be the road to take.铃木最近的创新产品很可能就是今后要走的路。➤literary, musical文学/音乐作品◆her latest literary offering is full of tales of murder and deception.她的文学新作充斥着谋杀和欺骗。➤initial public (abbreviated to ipo) , share, stock (especially name, all business商业) 首次公开募股;股票公募发行◆the insurance company raised $854 million in its initial public offering.这家保险公司首次公开发行股票募集了 8.54 亿美元。verb + offering➤broaden, enhance, expand拓宽/增加/扩大产品种类◆we are expanding our offering to include smaller, less expensive prints.我们正增加产品种类,生产体积更小、价格更低的打印机。➤launch推出产品◆microsoft launched its newest offering.微软推出了其最新产品。offering + verb➤include sth, range from sth to sth产品有⋯;产品种类包括⋯◆the company's offerings range from the very cheap to the hideously expensive.该公司提供的产品种类很多,从价格低廉的到贵得吓人的都有。preposition➤offering from⋯的作品◆the latest offering from this young band is their best album yet.这个年轻乐队最新出版的唱片是他们迄今最好的专辑。➤offering to面向⋯的产品◆our offerings to consumers我们奉献给消费者的产品offering noun² 2something given to a god祭品adjective | verb + offering | preposition adjective➤burned, sacrificial, votive燔祭品;祭献品;还愿奉献物➤traditional传统祭品▸➤peace (figurative) 致歉的礼物◆i think the present she sent you was intended as a peace offering.我认为她送你礼物是想表示和解。verb + offering➤make捐献;祭祀▸➤bring带来礼物◆look, i've brought a peace offering.看,我带来了谢罪之礼。➤accept接受礼物preposition➤offering of⋯的提供◆offerings of food提供的食品➤offering to给⋯的奉献◆they made sacrificial offerings to the gods.他们向诸神献上了祭品。 offering /ɒfərɪŋ; name ɔːf-; ɑːf-/ noun [countable] (commerce 商业) a product or service that a company offers for sale 待售品;提供的产品或服务◆the store's non-food offerings have proved popular. 这家商店的非食品类商品成了热销品。◆the company has unveiled its latest offering. 这家公司推出了最新的产品。2. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) an occasion when shares, bonds, etc. are offered for sale 股票(或债券等)发行◆high-yield bond offerings 高收益债券的发行◆the company is planning to raise capital through a share offering. 这家公司正计划通过股票上市来筹集资金。 initial public offering ◇ public offering ◇ secondary offering ◇ shelf offering ☞ offeringoffering/ˈɒfərɪŋ; us ˈɔ:f- ||; ˈɔfərɪŋ/noun [c] something that is given or produced for other people to watch, enjoy, etc 提供的东西 of·fer·ing /`ɔfərɪŋ; ˈɒfərɪŋ/n [c]something that you give to someone, especially god 赠品,[尤指给神的]供品,祭品




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