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单词 offensive
释义 offensive nounadjective | verb + offensive | preposition adjective➤all-out, full-scale, large-scale, major, massive全面攻势;主要的进攻;大规模进攻◆in 1941, hitler launched an all-out offensive against the soviet union.1941 年,希特勒向苏联发起了全面进攻。➤military军事进攻◆a military offensive against the insurgents向叛乱者发起的军事攻势➤guerrilla, terrorist游击队的/恐怖分子的进攻▸➤air, bombing空袭;轰炸攻击▸➤ground地面攻势▸➤diplomatic, government, propaganda外交/政府/宣传攻势➤charm (figurative) 魅力攻势◆the politician has launched a charm offensive in an attempt to clean up his image.这位政治家发起了魅力攻势,以修复他受损的形象。verb + offensive➤launch, mount发起攻势▸➤plan筹划攻势▸➤be on, go on, take采取攻势;主动出击◆she took the offensive, challenging her critics to prove their allegations.她先发制人,要求批评她的人证明他们的指控。preposition➤offensive against向⋯发起攻势◆the government is launching an all-out offensive against the drug cartels.政府正对贩毒集团发起全面打击。offensive adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem无礼;好像无礼▸➤become变得无礼▸➤consider sth, deem sth, find sth, think sth认为⋯令人反感◆he's always making rude remarks about women. i find that deeply offensive.他总是说些对女性不恭的话,这让我讨厌至极。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常使人反感▸➤deeply, downright, grossly, highly使人非常反感▸➤potentially可能令人反感▸➤deliberately有意冒犯▸➤patently (name, law法律) 明显地令人反感◆the material is patently offensive as measured by the standards for the broadcast medium.按照广播媒体的标准,这样的素材无疑令人反感。➤morally道德上令人反感▸➤racially在种族观念上冒犯preposition➤to对⋯无礼◆this sort of attitude is very offensive to women.这种态度对女性非常无礼。 offensive /əfensɪv/ adjectiverude in a way that makes people feel upset or angry 冒犯的;无礼的◆they were accused of sending emails with offensive content to other employees. 他们被指控给其他员工发送带有冒犯性内容的电子邮件。◆most of the complaints they receive are about offensive ads. 他们接到的大部分的投诉都是关于骚扰广告的。☞ offensive offensive adjective  ➡ see also the entry for insulting另见 insulting 条offensive ♦︎ abusive ♦︎ bad ♦︎ filthy ♦︎ rude ♦︎ foul ♦︎ coarsethese words all describe unpleasant or shocking language or people.这些词均表示语言或人无礼的、冒犯的、惹人憎恶的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆offensive / abusive to sb◆offensive / abusive / bad / filthy / rude / foul language◆an offensive / an abusive / a filthy / a rude / a coarse word◆an offensive / an abusive / a rude gesture / remark / comment◆an offensive / a filthy / a rude joke◆very / quite offensive / abusive / rude / foul / coarse◆rather offensive / rude / foul / coarse■ offensive (rather formal) causing sb to feel upset, insulted or annoyed冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的◆i've had enough of her offensive remarks.我受够了她冒犯的言论。◆his comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers.他的评论严重触怒了众多的单身母亲。◆this job is stressful enough even without clients being offensive.即便客户不是那么无礼,这份工作的压力也够大的。opp inoffensive ⓘ a person or thing that is inoffensive is not likely to offend or upset anyone. * inoffensive 指人或事物不冒犯人的、不讨人嫌的◆a shy, inoffensive young man腼腆温和的小伙子■ abusive /əbjuːsɪv/ (rather formal) very offensive; criticizing sb in an unfair and offensive way辱骂的;恶语的;毁谤的◆he was fined for making abusive comments to the referee.他因辱骂裁判而被罚款。◆he became abusive when he was drunk.他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人。■ bad [usually before noun] offensive冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的◆most of the complaints received were about bad language.接到的投诉大多跟说粗话有关。ⓘ in this meaning, bad is always used in the phrase bad language.表达此义时,bad 总是用在短语 bad language 中。■ filthy very offensive and usually connected with sex下流的;淫秽的;猥亵的◆that's enough of your filthy language!你的下流话真是让人受够了!◆he's got a filthy mind (= is always thinking about sex).他满脑子淫念。■ rude (especially bre) offensive or embarrassing and often connected with sex粗野的;猥亵的;下流的◆the joke is too rude to repeat.这个笑话太下流,不宜重复。◆someone made a rude noise.有人发出了猥亵的声音。■ foul /faʊl/ [usually before noun](of language) including rude words and swearing(语言)充满脏话的,辱骂性的,下流的◆he called her the foulest names imaginable.他用能想得出的最下流的话骂她。◆i'm sick of her foul mouth (= habit of swearing).我讨厌她那张动不动就骂人的臭嘴。■ coarse /kɔːs; name kɔːrs/ (rather formal) rude and offensive, especially about sex粗鲁无礼的,粗俗的(尤指涉及性的)◆he constantly made coarse jokes about his girlfriend.他总拿他的女朋友开些粗俗的玩笑。offensive [countable] a planned series of military attacks which sometimes take place over a long period of time(有计划的)系列军事行动;(持续的)攻势◆the final offensive was launched in the spring.春季发动了最后一次进攻。offensive (formal) (especially of smells) extremely unpleasant(尤指气味)极其难闻的,令人不适的◆the problem is how to eliminate offensive smells from the processing plant.问题在于怎样才能消除加工厂那刺鼻的气味。offensive (rather formal) causing sb to feel upset, insulted or annoyed冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的◆i've had enough of her offensive remarks.我受够了她冒犯的言论。◆his comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers.他的评论严重触怒了众多的单身母亲。◆this job is stressful enough even without clients being offensive.即便客户不是那么无礼,这份工作的压力也够大的。opp inoffensive ⓘ a person or thing that is inoffensive is not likely to offend or upset anyone. * inoffensive 指人或事物不冒犯人的、不讨人嫌的◆a shy, inoffensive young man腼腆温和的小伙子offensive¹/əˈfensɪv ||; əˈfɛnsɪv/adj1. offensive (to sb) unpleasant; insulting 令人不快的;无礼的;冒犯的: ◇offensive behaviour/language/remarks 冒犯别人的举止╱用语╱评论 [opp] inoffensive 反义词为inoffensive 2. (formal 正式) (only before a noun 只用于名词前) used for or connected with attacking 用于进攻的;与进攻有关的: ◇offensive weapons 攻击性武器 [opp] defensive 反义词为defensive➔offensively advoffensive²/əˈfensɪv ||; əˈfɛnsɪv/noun [c] a military attack 军事进攻 be on the offensive to be the first to attack, rather than waiting for others to attack you 处于进攻状态(而非防御状态) offensivesee ⇨ attack 6 ⇨ offend 4☞ offensive¹☞ offensive²




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