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单词 pilot
释义 pilot nounadjective | pilot + verb | pilot + noun adjective➤experienced, licensed, professional, qualified, trained经验丰富的飞行员;持有执照的领航员;职业领航员;合格的驾驶员;受过训练的飞行员➤inexperienced, trainee没有经验的飞行员;实习飞行员➤instructor飞行教官▸➤airplane, bomber, fighter, glider, helicopter, jet飞机/轰炸机/战斗机/滑翔机/直升机/喷气式飞机飞行员➤aerobatic特技飞行员▸➤private私人飞行员➤airline, civilian, commercial航空公司/民航/商用飞机飞行员➤combat, military战斗/军事飞行员▸➤air-force, navy空军/海军飞行员➤downed被击落的飞行员▸➤automatic自动驾驶仪;不假思索的动作◆the aircraft was set on automatic pilot.飞机处于自动飞行模式。◆she worked on automatic pilot, her hands carrying out the necessary movements. (figurative) 她机械地干活儿,双手自动做着必要的动作。pilot + verb➤fly (sth)飞行员驾驶(⋯)▸➤crash (sth)飞行员撞到(⋯)▸➤bail out, eject飞行员跳伞逃脱/从飞行器中弹射出来◆the pilot bailed out as the aircraft crashed into the ocean.飞机坠入大海,飞行员跳伞了。pilot + noun➤error飞行员的失误◆the air crash is thought to have been caused by pilot error.飞机失事被认为是由飞行员失误造成的。  ➡ note at job pilot /paɪlət/ noun [countable] 1.a person who operates the controls of an aircraft, especially as a job 飞行员;飞机驾驶员◆a commercial/an airline pilot 民航飞行员2.a person with special knowledge of a difficult area of water who guides ships through it 领港员;领航员;引水员;舵手3.a single television programme that is made in order to find out if people will like it and want to watch further programmes 电视试播节目 automatic pilot pilot /paɪlət/ verb [transitive] fly an aircraft or guide a ship; to act as a pilot 驾驶(飞机等);领航;引水◆the plane was piloted by the instructor. 那架飞机由教练员驾驶。pilot sth (through sth) to guide sb/sth somewhere, especially through a complicated place or system 引导;使通过(尤指复杂的地方或系统)◆she has piloted the company through a period of successful growth. 她带领公司成功地实现了增长。 3.(marketing 营销) to test a new product, idea, etc. with a few people or in a small area before it is introduced everywhere 试点;试行◆we are considering piloting the software with small businesses in the london area. 我们正在考虑在伦敦地区的小企业试用这个软件。 pilot /paɪlət/ adjective [only before noun] done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do on a large scale 试验性的;试点的◆a pilot project/study/survey/test 试点项目/研究/调查/测试◆a pilot episode (= of a radio or television series) (广播或电视系列节目)试播的一集☞ pilot☞ pilot☞ pilotpilot [transitive] to fly an aircraft or guide a boat驾驶(飞行器);领航(船只)◆the plane was piloted by the instructor.那架飞机由教练员驾驶。◆the captain piloted the boat into a mooring.船长把船驶进了泊位。pilot [transitive] to test a new product, system or idea with a few people or in a small area before it is introduced everywhere试点;试行◆the recycling boxes have been successfully piloted in a number of areas.回收箱在一些地区试点过后取得成功。pilot¹/ˈpaɪlət ||; ˈpaɪlət/noun [c] a person who flies an aircraft 飞机驾驶员;飞行员: ◇an airline pilot 航空公司的飞机驾驶员 pilot²/ˈpaɪlət ||; ˈpaɪlət/verb[t] 1. to operate the controls of a vehicle, especially an aircraft or a boat 驾驶(交通工具,尤指飞机或船): ◇to pilot a ship 驾船 2. to lead sb/sth through a difficult situation 领导,指引,引导,带领(使渡过难关): ◇the booklet pilots you through the process of starting your own business. 这本小册子指导你如何自己创业。 3. to be the first to test sth that will be used by everyone 率先试验或试用: ◇the new exam is being piloted in schools in italy. 这种新考试正在意大利的学校试行。 pilot³/ˈpaɪlət ||; ˈpaɪlət/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) done as an experiment or to test sth that will be used by everyone 试验性的;实验的: ◇the pilot scheme will run for six months. 这个试验性计划将进行六个月。 pilotsee ⇨ test 9,10     • • •• ⇨ suicide bomber/pilot/killer pi·lot /`paɪlət; ˈpaɪlət/n [c] 1. someone who flies a plane 飞行员,飞机驾驶员 2. someone who guides a ship through a difficult area of water [船舶的]领航员 3. pilot study/programme etc a study etc that is done to test whether people like an idea, product etc 试验性研究/计划等 pilotv [t] ☞ pilot




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