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单词 risk¹
释义 risk¹ /rɪsk; rɪsk/n 1. [c,u] the possibility that something bad may happen 风险,危险(性):◇risks involved in starting a small business 创办小公司涉及的各种风险◇+ of the risk of serious injury 受重伤的危险◇+ that there is always the risk that someone may press the wrong button. 总有可能有人按错按钮。 2. take a risk/run the risk to do something even though there is a possibility that something bad will happen 冒险[做某事]:◇you'll be running the risk of getting caught. 你会有被人抓住的危险。 3. at risk likely to be harmed 处境危险:◇+ from people at risk from aids 有染上爱滋病危险的人 4. at your own risk if you do something at your own risk, no one else is responsible if something bad happens 自担风险地,自负全责地:◇customers may park here at their own risk. 在此处停车的顾客,如有意外,责任自负。 5. [c] something or someone that is likely to be dangerous 危险的人[物]:◇health/fire/security risk the tire dump is a major fire risk. 这堆废轮胎是重大的火灾隐患。◇+ to polluted water supplies are a risk to public health. 受污染的供水对公众健康是个威胁。




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