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单词 moderation
释义 moderation nounadjective | verb + moderation | moderation + verb | preposition adjective➤great极大的克制verb + moderation➤call for, preach要求/宣扬克制◆the government called for greater moderation on the part of the unions.政府要求工会方面更为克制。➤practise/practice, show力行克制;表现得节制moderation + verb➤be the key to sth有节制是⋯的关键◆moderation is the key to good health.有节制的生活是健康的关键。preposition➤in moderation适度地◆drinking alcohol is fine in moderation.适度饮酒是可以的。➤with moderation有节制地◆always act with moderation.行事始终要有节制。moderation/ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃn ||; ˌmɑdəˈreʃən/noun[u] 1. the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme 温和;适度;节制: ◇alcohol can harm unborn babies even if it's taken in moderation. 即使有节制地喝酒,也会伤害未出世的婴儿。 2. (in education) the process of making sure that the same standards are used by different people in marking exams, etc (教育)审核(以确保不同主考人以统一标准评阅试卷) moderation• ⇨ in moderation mod·e·ra·tion /ˏmɑdə`reʃən; ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃən/n 1. in moderation if you do something in moderation, you do not do it too much 有节制地,适度地:◇he only drinks in moderation. 他只是有节制地饮酒。 2. [u] formal sensible control of your behaviour 【正式】 自我节制; 中庸之道




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