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单词 jargon
释义 jargon nounadjective | ... of jargon | verb + jargon | preposition adjective➤current时下流行的术语➤impenetrable, incomprehensible, meaningless, obscure令人费解的/难懂的/无意义的/晦涩的专业术语▸➤unnecessary不必要的行话▸➤academic, legal, medical, military, scientific, technical, etc.学术用语、法律术语、医学术语、军事术语、科学术语、技术用语等... of jargon➤piece一条术语verb + jargon➤speak, speak in, use讲行话;用术语◆he always speaks in obscure legal jargon.他说话总是用一些晦涩的法律术语。➤be couched in用行话表达◆her emails are always couched in jargon.她的电子邮件里总是术语成堆。➤avoid避免用术语preposition➤in jargon用行话◆the report seemed to be written in computer jargon.这份报告似乎是用计算机术语写成的。➤jargon for⋯的术语◆'all necessary means' is diplomatic jargon for 'war'.“一切必要手段”是代指“战争”的外交用语。 jargon /dʒɑːgən; name dʒɑːrgən/ noun [uncountable] words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand 行话;术语◆computer/legal/industry jargon 电脑/法律/行业术语☞ jargonjargon/ˈdʒɑ:gən ||; ˈdʒɑrgən/noun [u] special or technical words that are used by a particular group of people in a particular profession and that other people do not understand 术语;行话: ◇medical/scientific/legal/computer jargon 医学╱科学╱法律╱计算机术语 jargonsee ⇨ language 5 jar·gon /`dʒɑrgən; ˈdʒɑːɡən/n [u]words and phrases used by people in the same profession that are difficult for people not in that profession to understand 术语,行话:◇medical jargon 医学术语




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