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单词 strife
释义 strife nounadjective | verb + strife | preposition | phrases adjective➤internal内部冲突▸➤ethnic, factional, internecine, sectarian种族冲突;派系冲突;内讧;教派冲突▸➤civil, industrial, labour/labor, political, racial, religious, social内战;劳资纠纷;政治纷争;民族冲突;宗教冲突;社会冲突▸➤domestic, family, marital家庭纠纷;夫妻争执verb + strife➤cause, create, foment导致/造成/挑起冲突▸➤be torn apart by, be torn by, experience因冲突而四分五裂;经历纷争◆the country has been torn apart by years of civil strife.这个国家被多年的内乱弄得四分五裂。➤end结束冲突preposition➤during the strife, in the strife在冲突期间;在冲突中◆he lost his job during last year's industrial strife.他在去年的劳资冲突中丢了工作。➤strife among, strife between⋯之中/⋯之间的冲突◆internecine strife among the nationalities of the region该地区各民族之间的纷争phrases➤a time of strife冲突时期▸➤years of strife多年的纷争◆years of strife and suffering多年的纷争和苦难 strife /straɪf/ noun [uncountable] (used especially in newspapers) angry disagreement between two groups of people (尤用于报章)冲突,争吵,争斗◆the industry has been hit by industrial strife (= strikes) in recent years. 这个行业近年来一直受到劳资对抗的打击。☞ strifestrife/straɪf ||; straɪf/noun [u] (written 书面语) trouble or fighting between people or groups 冲突;纷争;争斗 strife /straɪf; straɪf/n [u]formal trouble or disagreement between two people or groups; conflict 【正式】 [两个人或团体之间的]冲突; 纠纷; 争吵




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