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单词 shack
释义 shack nounadjective | preposition adjective➤old旧棚屋➤little, small, tiny小棚屋➤one-room, two-room一室的/两室的小屋▸➤dilapidated, run-down, tumbledown破旧不堪的/年久失修的/摇摇欲坠的棚屋▸➤tin, wooden铁皮棚屋;小木棚➤guard (name) 卫兵岗亭◆she was waiting just outside the air force guard shack.她正在空军卫兵岗亭外等候。preposition➤in a /the shack在小屋里◆he lives in a shack in the middle of the woods.他住在树林深处的一间小屋里。shack [countable] a small building, usually made of wood or metal, that has not been built well(通常用木头或金属搭盖的)简陋的小屋,棚屋◆the settlement consists only of shacks; there are no roads and no water.定居点内只有简陋的棚屋,没有道路,也没有水。shack/ʃæk ||; ʃæk/noun [c] a small building, usually made of wood or metal, that has not been built well 简陋小屋;棚屋 ☞ shack¹☞ shack²




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