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单词 colouring
释义 colouring noun (bre) (name coloring) adjective | verb + colouring/coloring adjective➤natural自然色▸➤dark较深的肤色▸➤hair发色verb + colouring/coloring➤have有⋯肤色◆his daughter has very dark colouring.他女儿肤色很深。 colouring (bre) (name coloring) [uncountable] the colour of a person's skin, eyes and hair; the colours that exist in sth(人的皮肤、眼睛和头发的)颜色;天然色;色彩◆their colouring was identical: white skin, black hair and very dark eyes.他们的颜色都相同:白皮肤、黑头发以及黝黑的眼睛。◆monarch butterflies, with their spectacular black, brown and orange colouring君王斑蝶,身上是奇美的黑色、褐色和橙色colouring/ˈkʌlərɪŋ ||; ˈkʌlərɪŋ/(us 美 coloring) noun 1. [u] the colour of a person's hair, skin, etc 人的发色、肤色等: ◇to have fair/dark colouring 皮肤白晰/浅黑 2. [c,u] a substance that is used to give a particular colour to sth, especially food 色料,色素(尤指加进食物的) col·our·ing /bre 【英】, coloring ame 【美】 /`kʌlərɪŋ; ˈkʌlərɪŋ//n 1. [u] the colour of something, especially someone's hair, skin, eyes etc [尤指头发、皮肤、眼睛等的]颜色:◇mandy had her mother's dark coloring. 曼迪的肤色像她母亲的一样黑。 2. [c,u] a substance used to give a particular colour to something, especially food 颜料,染料; [尤指加入食品的]色素:◇use food colouring to tint the icing. 用食用色素微染糖衣。




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