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单词 pill
释义 pill noun¹ 1medicine药片adjective | ... of pills | verb + pill adjective➤diet, sleeping, vitamin减肥药片;安眠药片;维生素片➤prescription (especially name) 处方药... of pills➤bottle一瓶药片verb + pill➤pop (informal) , swallow, take大量服药;吞服药丸;吃药片▸➤give sb, prescribe (sb)给某人药片;(给某人)开药片◆the doctor prescribed her some pills to help her sleep.医生给她开了一些有助于睡眠的药。pill noun² 2the pill to avoid becoming pregnant避孕药adjective | verb + the pill adjective➤birth-control, contraceptive避孕药▸➤abortion, morning-after堕胎药;事后避孕药verb + the pill➤be on, go on, use在服用避孕药;用避孕药▸➤prescribe (sb), put sb on给(某人)开避孕药;让某人服用避孕药◆her doctor put her on the pill at 16.她的医生在她 16 岁时就让她服用避孕药了。➤take sb off让某人停止服用避孕药▸➤come off, stop taking停止服用避孕药pill/pɪl ||; pɪl/noun1. [c] a small round piece of medicine that you swallow 药丸;药片: ◇take one pill, three times a day after meals. 饭后服用,每日三次,每次一粒。◇a sleeping pill 安眠药 ☞look at tablet. 参看tablet。 ☞picture at health 见health插图 2. the pill [sing] a pill that some women take regularly so that they do not become pregnant (口服)避孕药: ◇she is on the pill. 她在服用避孕药。 pill /pɪl; pɪl/n [c] 1. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow 药丸 2. the pill a pill that some women take in order to prevent them from having a baby [女用]口服避孕药:◇be on the pill (=be taking birth control pills) 在服用避孕药 ☞ pill




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