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单词 pig
释义 pig noun¹ 1animal动物adjective | verb + pig | pig + verb | pig + noun adjective➤domestic家猪▸➤feral, wild野猪▸➤suckling乳猪verb + pig➤breed繁育猪▸➤keep, raise养猪▸➤feed喂猪▸➤fatten育肥猪◆the pigs were being fattened for slaughter.这些猪正在育肥以备屠宰。➤kill, slaughter杀猪;屠宰猪pig + verb➤grunt, squeal猪作呼噜声;猪尖叫pig + noun➤farm, farmer养猪场;猪倌pig noun² 2person人adjective | phrases adjective➤fat肥胖的家伙➤disgusting令人恶心的家伙▸➤greedy贪婪的家伙▸➤male chauvinist, sexist大男子主义的/主张性别歧视的猪猡phrases➤make a pig of yourself大吃◆we cooked up some pasta and all made pigs of ourselves.我们做了一些意大利面食,每个人都吃了很多。pig [countable] (informal, disapproving) an unpleasant or offensive person令人不快(或讨厌)的人◆arrogant pig!傲慢的家伙!◆he's a real male chauvinist pig (= a man who does not think women are equal to men).他是个彻头彻尾的大男子主义者。ⓘ pig is usually used about a person who says rude or insulting things. * pig 通常指说粗话脏话的人。pig¹/pɪg ||; pɪg/noun[c] 1. a fat pinkish animal with short legs and a short tail that is kept on farms for its meat (pork) 猪 a male pig is a boar, a female pig is a sow and a young pig is a piglet. when they make a noise, pigs grunt and piglets squeal. 公猪叫做boar,母猪叫做sow,小猪叫做piglet。大猪叫可用grunt,小猪叫可用squeal。 look at the note at meat. 参看meat的注释。 2. (informal 非正式) an unpleasant person or a person who eats too much 令人讨厌的人;贪吃的人pig²/pɪg ||; pɪg/verb [t] (pigging;pigged) (slang 俚语)pig yourself to eat too much 吃太多 pig out (on sth)(slang 俚语) to eat too much of sth 贪吃某物pigsee ⇨ greedy 1     • • •• ⇨ guinea pig• ⇨ make a pig of yourself☞ pig¹☞ pig²




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