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单词 taint
释义 taint/teɪnt ||; tent/noun [c] [usu.sing] (formal 正式) the effect of sth bad or unpleasant that spoils the quality of sb/sth 污点: ◇the taint of corruption 腐败的污名 taint verb [t] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) ◇her reputation was tainted by the scandal. 这桩丑闻玷污了她的名声。 taint /tent; teɪnt/v [t] 1. be tainted (by/with) to be connected with something illegal or dishonest, so that people are less likely to approve of you [名誉等]被玷污:◇the previous government had been tainted by accusations of corruption. 前政府因被控腐败而名声受损。◇tainted money 黑钱 2. food or other things that are tainted have been spoiled or have something harmful in them [因腐坏]使[食物]不能食用; 污染:◇tainted blood products 受污染的血制品 taintn [singular 单数]




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