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单词 famed
释义 famed (written) (of a person or place) known about by many people, especially for a special quality that they have(人或地方因具有某种特质而)著名的◆as a player she was famed for her grace and artistry, as well as her success.作为演奏家,她以优雅和技巧以及所取得的成功而闻名。◆the movie was filmed in the famed blue ridge mountains, possibly the last forested wilderness in the united states.这部电影是在著名的蓝岭拍摄的,那里可能是美国仅存的一处林木覆盖的荒野了。 ➡ see also fame → fame famed/feɪmd ||; femd/adj famed (for sth) well known (for sth) 以…闻名;以…著名: ◇welsh people are famed for their singing. 威尔士人以善唱闻名于世。 ☞look at famous, which is the more usual word. 参看famous,这个词较常用。 famed /femd; feɪmd/adjknown about by a lot of people 著名的,出名的:◇+ for mountains famed for their beauty 以风景秀丽闻名的山脉




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