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单词 distraction
释义 distraction nounadjective | verb + distraction | preposition | phrases adjective➤unwanted无益的干扰▸➤good, nice, welcome令人愉快的消遣➤brief, momentary让人短时/短暂转移注意力的事➤constant一直让人分心的事➤minor小干扰➤big, huge, major大的干扰;很大的干扰◆her odd appearance is a major distraction whenever she is on screen.无论何时她出现在屏幕上,她怪异的外表总是很碍眼。➤unnecessary不必要的分心事➤driver (especially name) 让司机分心的事情◆new laws to address driver distraction caused by phone conversations针对司机开车打电话分心这一问题的新法律verb + distraction➤cause, create造成/产生干扰◆she caused a distraction by setting off the alarm.她弄响了警报,造成了混乱。➤provide提供让人放松的东西◆the tv provided a distraction from his work.电视使他能摆脱工作放松放松。➤use利用干扰◆becca used the distraction to make a run for it.贝卡趁乱逃之夭夭。➤eliminate, minimize消除/最大限度地减少干扰➤avoid避免干扰preposition➤without distraction不受干扰◆she worked hard all morning, without distraction.她埋头工作了整整一个上午,一点儿也没分心。➤distraction from从⋯分散注意力◆work was a welcome distraction from her problems at home.工作正好把她的注意力从家庭问题上转移开。phrases➤drive sb to distraction使某人精力分散◆my kids drive me to distraction at times.孩子们有时令我心情烦躁。➤love sb to distraction爱某人爱得发狂distraction/dɪˈstrækʃn ||; dɪˈstrækʃən/noun [c,u] something that takes your attention away from what you were doing or thinking about 分散注意力的事物;使人分心的事物: ◇i find it hard to work at home because there are so many distractions. 我觉得在家里难以工作,因为有很多事情令我分心。 to distraction with the result that you become upset, excited, or angry and unable to think clearly 令人沮丧;令人兴奋;令人生气;令人思维不清: ◇the noise of the traffic outside at night is driving me to distraction. 夜间,外面来往的车辆声音逼得我简直要发狂。 dis·trac·tion /dɪ`strækʃən; dɪˈstrækʃən/n 1. [c,u] something that takes your attention away from what you are doing (使人)分心的事:◇i can't study at home — there are too many distractions. 我在家无法学习,分心的事情太多了。 2. [c] a pleasant and not very serious activity that you do for amusement 娱乐,消遣 3. drive sb to distraction to annoy someone 激怒某人




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