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单词 diet
释义 diet noun¹ 1food sb/sth usually eats日常饮食adjective | verb + diet | diet + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤good, healthful, healthy, nutritious, sensible良好的饮食;健康的饮食;营养的饮食;合理的膳食▸➤balanced, varied, well-balanced均衡的饮食;多样化的饮食▸➤adequate足够的饮食◆people can fight infection more easily if they have an adequate diet.良好的饮食可以使人更容易抵御传染病。➤bad, poor, unhealthy糟糕的饮食;不健康的饮食▸➤staple主要食物◆a staple diet of cornmeal and vegetables以玉米面和蔬菜为主的饮食➤daily每日饮食▸➤vegan, vegetarian素食▸➤american, mediterranean, western, etc.美国、地中海、西方等饮食verb + diet➤consume, eat, have采用⋯饮食◆it is important to eat a balanced diet.饮食均衡很重要。➤live on, survive on以吃⋯生存◆they had to survive on a diet of insects and berries.他们只好靠吃昆虫和浆果生存。➤feed sb, feed sb on, keep sb on用⋯喂养某人▸➤change改变饮食◆she was told to change her diet and quit smoking.她被告知要改变饮食并戒烟。➤supplement补充饮食diet + verb➤consist of sth, contain sth日常食物包含⋯◆the animal's diet consists mainly of grasses.这种动物主要吃草。preposition➤in a/the diet在日常饮食中◆the amount of fat in your diet日常饮食中的脂肪量➤on a diet以⋯为食◆these animals live on a mainly vegetarian diet.这些动物以吃植物为主。➤diet of由⋯组成的日常食物◆they were fed on a diet of rice and vegetables.给他们吃的是大米和蔬菜。phrases➤a diet high in sth, a diet rich in sth富含⋯的日常食物◆a diet rich in vitamins and minerals富含维生素和矿物质的饮食diet noun² 2when you want to lose weight/are ill节制饮食adjective | verb + diet | diet + noun | preposition adjective➤strict严格节制的饮食▸➤weight-loss, weight-reducing减肥规定饮食▸➤crash, starvation快速减肥规定饮食;节食减肥◆crash diets are not the best way to lose weight.严格节食并不是减肥的最佳方式。➤fad流行一时的节食▸➤calorie-controlled, low-calorie (especially name) 控制热量的饮食;低热量饮食▸➤restricted, special限制性饮食;特殊饮食▸➤dairy-free, gluten-free, etc.不含乳制品的、不含面筋的等饮食➤high-fibre/high-fiber, high-protein, etc.高纤维、高蛋白等饮食➤low-carb, low-fat, etc.低碳水化合物、低脂肪等饮食verb + diet➤follow, have按照规定饮食◆if you follow this diet, you're bound to lose weight.按照这个规定食谱必定能够减轻体重。➤go on, start实行节食;开始按规定饮食▸➤stick to坚持吃规定饮食◆i have to stick to a low-fat diet.我得坚持吃低脂肪的食物。➤be on正在节食◆i'd love a dessert, but i'm on a diet.我想吃甜食,可是我正在节食。diet + noun➤drink, food低热量饮料/食物➤coke™, soda (especially name) 低热量可乐/苏打▸➤pill低热量药丸▸➤plan饮食计划◆lose pounds with our new diet plan!采用我们的新饮食方案瘦身吧!➤book减肥书籍preposition➤on a diet按规定饮食◆athletes on a special high-protein diet遵照特定的高蛋白食谱进食的运动员 diet noundiet ♦︎ fast ♦︎ regime ♦︎ regimenthese words all describe the process of controlling what you eat, usually for health reasons.这些词均表示限制或规定饮食,通常是为了健康。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆on a diet / regime / regimen◆a strict diet / regime / regimen◆to go on / be on / follow / keep to / stick to a diet / regime■ diet /daɪət/ [countable] a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or because you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited variety or amount(为健康或减肥的)规定饮食,节食;规定饮食期◆the doctor recommended a low-fat, salt-free diet.医生建议低脂无盐饮食。◆i decided to go on a diet.我决定节食。 ➡ see also diet → food ▸ diet verb [intransitive] ◆she's always dieting but she never seems to lose weight.她总在节食,但体重好像从未减少过。■ fast [countable] a period during which you do not eat food, especially for religious or health reasons禁食期;斋戒期◆he observes the fast of ramadan.他遵守斋月期间的斋戒。◆in cyprus this soup is served on easter morning to break the long lenten fast.在塞浦路斯,这种汤要在复活节早上喝,给漫长的四旬斋期开斋。▸ fast verb [intransitive] ◆during ramadan they fast from sunrise to sunset.斋月期间他们从日出到日落之间禁食。■ regime /reɪʒiːm/ [countable] a regimen生活规则;养生之道;养生法◆i'm going swimming every day as part of my new fitness regime.我新的养生法的其中一项内容是每天去游泳。■ regimen /redʒɪmən/ [countable] (medical医学 or formal) a set of rules about food and exercise or medical treatment that you follow in order to stay healthy or to improve your health生活规则;养生之道;养生法◆we used a combined regimen of injection treatment and radiation therapy.我们采用了一种注射治疗和放射疗法相结合的养生法。note 辨析 regime or regimen? regimen is a formal word, used especially in medical contexts; a patient may be put on a regimen by their doctor. regime is less formal and is used just as often by people who decide to put themselves on a new programme of diet and exercise. * regimen 是正式用词,尤用于医学语境。病人可能会在医生建议下采用某种养生法 (put on a regimen)。regime 不那么正式,常用于人们决定采用新方法节食或锻炼的场合。diet /daɪət/ [countable] a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or because you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited variety or amount(为健康或减肥的)规定饮食,节食;规定饮食期◆the doctor recommended a low-fat, salt-free diet.医生建议低脂无盐饮食。◆i decided to go on a diet.我决定节食。 ➡ see also diet → food ▸ diet verb [intransitive] ◆she's always dieting but she never seems to lose weight.她总在节食,但体重好像从未减少过。diet [countable, uncountable] the food that you eat regularly日常饮食;日常食物◆it is important to have a healthy, balanced、均衡的饮食很重要。◆i loved the japanese diet of rice, vegetables and fish.我喜欢米饭、蔬菜和鱼这些日本人常吃的食物。◆for general advice on diet, see pages 26-27.一般的饮食建议请参见 26-27 页。  ➡ see also diet → diet noun dietverb [intransitive] ◆she's always dieting but she never seems to lose weight.她总在节食,但体重好像从未减少过。dietverb [intransitive] ◆she's always dieting but she never seems to lose weight.她总在节食,但体重好像从未减少过。diet¹/ˈdaɪət ||; ˈdaɪət/noun1. [c,u] the food that a person or animal usually eats 日常食物;日常饮食: ◇they live on a diet of rice and vegetables. 他们的日常食物是大米和蔬菜。◇i always try to have a healthy, balanced diet (= including all the different types of food that our body needs). 我总是设法做到饮食均衡健康。◇poor diet is a cause of ill health. 饮食营养不足是健康欠佳的原因之一。 2. [c] certain foods that a person who is ill, or who wants to lose weight is allowed to eat (因患病或为减肥而设的)规定饮食,特种食谱: ◇a low-fat diet 低脂肪食谱◇a sugar-free diet 无糖食谱 ➔dietary /ˈdaɪətəri ||; ˈdaɪəˌtɛrɪ/ adj dietary habits/requirements 饮食习惯╱要求 be/go on a diet to eat only certain foods or a small amount of food because you want to lose weight 节食diet²/ˈdaɪət ||; ˈdaɪət/verb [i] to try to lose weight by eating less food or only certain kinds of food 节食: ◇you've lost some weight. have you been dieting? 你的体重减轻了。你是否在节食? dietsee ⇨ eat 8,8 ⇨ food 1     • • •• ⇨ be on a diet☞ diet¹☞ diet²




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