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单词 anxious
释义 anxious adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound显得焦虑;发愁;感到忧虑;看上去很担心;好像很发愁;听起来很忧虑▸➤become, get, grow变得忧心忡忡;开始焦虑不安◆the bus was late and sue began to get anxious.公共汽车晚点了,休开始担忧起来。➤make sb使某人担心◆the delays only made him more anxious.延误只能使他更加担心。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常担心▸➤desperately, incredibly, terribly极其忧虑;忧虑得令人难以置信;非常忧虑▸➤increasingly越来越担心◆she was watching the clock and becoming increasingly anxious.她盯着钟,越来越焦虑不安。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些焦急▸➤naturally, understandably自然感到担心;可以理解地担忧◆students are understandably anxious about getting work after graduation.学生对毕业后找工作感到担忧,这是可以理解的。➤overly, unduly过于担忧;过分担心◆there's no need to get unduly anxious on my account.没有必要过分为我担心。preposition➤about为⋯感到担心◆i'm becoming very anxious about my son.我开始为儿子感到忧心忡忡。➤for为⋯感到担忧◆we are extremely anxious for her safety.我们极为担心她的安全。 anxious [not usually before noun] wanting sth very much渴望;非常希望◆he was anxious to finish school and get a job.他渴望毕业并找一份工作。◆i'm anxious for her to do as little as possible.我盼她尽量少干。◆she was anxious that he should meet her father.她盼望他见见她的父亲。ⓘ anxious, in this meaning, is often used when sb wants things to return to a normal condition. * anxious 表达此义时常指很想回归常态◆he seemed anxious to return to more familiar ground.他似乎渴望回到他较熟悉的领域。◆she was anxious to put the past behind her / set the record straight / get the whole thing over with.她希望能够把过去抛到脑后/澄清真相/把整件事情作个了断。▸ anxiety noun [uncountable] ◆a couple of photographers fell over themselves in their anxiety to get a shot of her.两个摄影师煞费苦心,急于想抓拍到她的照片。 anxious(of a time) causing anxiety; (of an expression) showing anxiety(时期)令人焦虑的;(表情)流露出忧虑的◆there were a few anxious moments during the game.比赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。◆there was an anxious expression on her face.她的脸上流露出忧虑的表情。  ➡ see also anxious → worried anxiousfeeling worried or nervous about sth焦虑的;忧虑的;担心的◆he grew increasingly anxious as time went on.时间一分一秒地过去,他越来越焦躁不安。  ➡ see also anxious → stressful , anxiety → concern noun ▸ anxiously adverb◆to ask / look / wait anxiously焦急地询问/注视/等待◆residents are anxiously awaiting a decision.居民焦急地等待着作出决定。note 辨析 worried, nervous or anxious? worried is the most frequent word to describe how you feel when you are thinking about a problem or sth bad that might happen. anxious can describe a stronger feeling and is more formal. nervous is more often used to describe how you feel before you do sth very important such as an exam or interview, or sth unpleasant or difficult. nervous can describe sb's personality: a very nervous girl is often or usually nervous; a worried girl is worried on a particular occasion or about a particular thing: worried describes her feelings, not her personality. anxious can describe feelings or personality. * worried 是最常见的词,指担心问题或令人不悦的事会发生。anxious 可描述更强烈的忧虑,用法较正式。nervous 较常用于描述要做某件重要事情如考试、面试,或要做令人不快或难度大的事情前的焦虑。nervous 可以形容人的性格。a very nervous girl 指一个常常紧张焦虑的女孩; a worried girl 则指女孩在某一场合或对某一事情感到担忧,即 worried 形容感觉,不描述性格。anxious 可以形容感觉也可以描述性格。anxious/ˈæŋkʃəs ||; ˈæŋkʃəs/adj1. anxious (about/for sb/sth) worried and afraid 担忧的;忧虑的;焦虑不安的: ◇i'm anxious about my exam. 我为考试担忧。◇i began to get anxious when they still hadn't arrived at 9 o'clock. 他们9点钟还没有到达,我开始担忧起来。◇an anxious look/expression 担忧的样子/表情 2. causing worry and fear 令人担忧的: ◇for a few anxious moments we thought we'd missed the train. 我们以为错过了列车,担心了一会儿。 3. anxious to do sth;anxious for sth wanting sth very much 渴望 ➔anxiously adv anxioussee ⇨ worried/worrying 1,5     • • •• ⇨ be anxious to do sth anx·ious /`æŋkʃəs; ˈæŋkʃəs/adj 1. very worried about something that may happen 忧虑的; 焦虑的; 担心的:◇an anxious look 焦虑的样子◇+ about june's anxious about going such a long way on her own. 朱恩对自己要走这么远的路感到担忧。◇anxious time/moment there were one or two anxious moments as the plane seemed to lose height. 曾有一两个令人焦虑的时刻,飞机好像要失重。 2. feeling strongly that you want to do something or want something to happen 渴望的; 急切的:◇anxious to do sth ralph is anxious to prove that he can do the job. 拉尔夫急于证明他能做这份工作。◇+ that we're very anxious that no-one else finds out about this. 我们非常希望没有其他人发现这个。 ☞ anxious




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