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单词 dictation
释义 dictation nounverb + dictation | preposition verb + dictation➤do进行听写◆we did a french dictation in class.课堂上我们进行了法语听写。➤give sb让某人听写◆the teacher gave them a dictation.老师让他们听写。➤take做口授记录◆her secretary is very good at taking dictation.她的秘书很擅长做口授记录。preposition➤in a/the dictation在听写中◆we had some very difficult words in our dictation.听写时我们遇到了些很难的单词。 dictation /dɪkteɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] the act of speaking or recording a letter, report, etc. so that it can be written down or typed; the words that are spoken 口授;口述◆to take dictation (= write/type words that are being spoken) 听写◆the digital organizer can record up to 45 minutes of dictation. 这电子记事簿可以记录长达 45 分钟的口述资料。☞ dictationdictation/dɪkˈteɪʃn ||; dɪkˈteʃən/noun [c,u] spoken words that sb else must write or type 口授或听写的文字: ◇we had a dictation in english today (= a test in which we had to write down what the teacher said). 我们今天做了英语听写测验。 dic·ta·tion /dɪk`teʃən; dɪkˈteɪʃən/n 1. [u] when someone says words for someone else to write down 口授笔录,听写 2. [c,u] sentences that a teacher reads out to test a student's ability to understand and write a language correctly 听写(测验):◇french dictation 法语听写(测验)




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