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单词 partnership
释义 partnership noun¹ 1relationship between companies, organizations,、机构等的关系adjective | verb + partnership | partnership + noun | preposition adjective➤close紧密的伙伴关系➤limited有限责任合伙企业◆they formed a limited partnership.他们组建了一个有限责任合伙企业。➤effective, good, great, strong, successful卓有成效的伙伴关系;良好的合作关系;成功的伙伴关系◆we look forward to a long and successful partnership with them.我们期待着与他们建立长期而卓有成效的合作伙伴关系。➤creative, innovative, productive创新性的合作关系;富有成效的伙伴关系◆local historical societies are trying to establish creative partnerships with schools.当地的历史协会正努力与学校建立创新性的合作伙伴关系。➤unique独特的合作关系➤true真正的伙伴关系◆we have established a true partnership with our suppliers.我们已经与供应商建立了真正的伙伴关系。➤collaborative, cooperative, exclusive, joint协作伙伴关系;独家合作伙伴关系◆a joint partnership between the department of energy and the state of illinois能源部和伊利诺伊州之间的合作伙伴关系➤equal平等的伙伴关系◆an equal partnership of men and women in government政府里男女之间平等的合作关系➤working工作伙伴关系◆we are trying to develop a working partnership between local schools and industries.我们正在努力发展当地的学校和各行业之间的一种合作伙伴关系。➤long-term长期伙伴关系◆the two companies have formed a long-term partnership to develop and sell these products together.这两家公司已经形成了长期的合作伙伴关系,共同开发和销售这些产品。➤global, international, multinational, transatlantic全球伙伴关系;国际合作关系;多国伙伴关系;泛大西洋伙伴关系➤community社区合作关系➤business, corporate, professional商业伙伴关系;商业合股(公司);专业合营➤private, public-private私人合伙/公私合作企业◆the channel tunnel was an excellent public-private partnership.海峡隧道是公私合作的杰出项目。➤educational, marketing, promotional, research, strategic, etc.教育、营销、促销、研究、战略等伙伴关系verb + partnership➤have有合作伙伴关系➤build, create, develop, establish, forge, form, set up (especially bre) 建立伙伴关系;形成伙伴关系➤enter into, go into, strike开始伙伴关系◆the company has gone into partnership with swiss bank corporation.这家公司已经和瑞士银行公司建立了合作关系。➤encourage, foster, promote, strengthen鼓励/培育/促进/加强合作伙伴关系➤expand扩大伙伴关系➤continue, maintain继续/保持伙伴关系➤seek寻求建立合作伙伴关系➤take sb into (especially bre) 把某人带入伙伴关系◆we took him into partnership in 2002.2002 年我们吸收他成为合伙人。➤break up, dissolve, end结束伙伴关系◆they dissolved their successful partnership in 1980.他们在 1980 年结束了他们成功的合作伙伴关系。partnership + noun➤agreement, arrangement, deal合伙协议/协定◆the two radio stations signed a five-year partnership agreement today.两家广播电台今天签署了为期 5 年的合作伙伴关系协议。➤programme/program合作项目➤law合伙企业法preposition➤in partnership with和⋯是伙伴关系◆they are in partnership with apex software.他们和顶点软件公司是合作伙伴。◆the fund has been set up in partnership with banks.该基金已经通过与银行的合作建立起来。◆we are working in close partnership with our japanese clients.我们正在与我们的日本客户紧密合作。➤partnership between⋯之间的伙伴关系◆a partnership between the university and schools这所大学和各学院之间的伙伴关系➤partnership in在⋯方面的伙伴关系◆she has a partnership in the business.她是那家公司的合伙人。➤partnership of⋯的合作关系◆a unique partnership of private companies and unions私营公司和工会之间独特的伙伴关系➤partnership with和⋯的伙伴关系◆a partnership with an american company和一家美国公司的伙伴关系  ➡ note at organization partnership noun² 2relationship between two people两个人之间的关系adjective | verb + partnership | partnership + noun adjective➤civil, domestic (name) 民事伴侣关系;同性伴侣关系◆civil partnerships or gay unions are now legal in britain.民事结合或同性婚姻现在在英国是合法的。◆domestic partnerships are not yet equivalent to marriage in the eyes of the law.在法律上同性伴侣关系尚未等同于婚姻。➤gay, homosexual, same-sex同性伴侣关系verb + partnership➤enter进入伴侣关系◆they registered their intention to enter a civil partnership.他们登记想要结成民事伴侣关系。➤dissolve终止伴侣关系partnership + noun➤benefits, rights伴侣关系的利益/权利◆civil unions that give legal recognition and partnership benefits to gay couples给予同性恋伴侣法律认可和肯定其权益的同性婚姻◆a bill extending domestic partnership benefits to same-sex couples (name) 将民事伴侣权益扩大到包括同性伴侣的一项法案➤status同性伴侣关系◆you can apply for partnership status after two years.两年后你可以申请同性伴侣关系。partnership /pɑːtnəʃɪp; name pɑːrtnərʃɪp/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] a relationship between people who own a business together and share the profits and risks; the state of having this relationship 合伙;伙伴关系◆the brothers formed a successful partnership that ran several restaurants in the area. 这些兄弟成功地合伙在该地区开设了好几家餐馆。◆the office has been set up in partnership with fm recruitment. 这一办事处是与 fm 招聘公司合伙设立的。  ➡  see note at company ⨁ to create / enter into / establish / form a partnership合伙 ⨁ to go into / work in partnership with sb与某人合伙;与某人共事 ⨁ to dissolve a partnership解除合伙关系 2. [countable] a business that is owned by a group of professional people who work together and share the profits; the state of being a member of this group 合资公司;合伙地位◆a junior member of the partnership 合资公司的初级合伙人◆she was offered a partnership in the law firm. 她获得了在这间律师行的合伙人地位。⨁ to establish / join / set up a partnership建立/加入/创立合伙公司 3. [countable] a relationship between companies or organizations that work together 合作关系;伙伴关系◆the company has formed a partnership with a us airline to provide new routes. 该公司与一家美国航空公司就开辟新的航线建立了伙伴关系。◆a partnership between unions and employers 工会和雇主之间的合作关系⨁ to create / enter into / establish / form a partnership开展/进入/建立/形成合作关系 4. [countable] a relationship between countries that have a political or an economic agreement 伙伴关系◆canada, japan and brazil also joined the partnership. 加拿大、日本和巴西也加入了伙伴关系。 deed of partnership ◇ general partnership ◇ limited partnership ◇ public-private partnership ☞ partnership☞ forms of businessespartnership [countable] a business owned by two or more people who share the profits合伙企业◆a junior member of the partnership企业的次要合伙人  ➡ see also partner → partner noun 1 partnership [countable, uncountable] a relationship between two people, organizations, etc. in which the two work together for a result that is good for both of them; the state of having this relationship合作关系;伙伴关系◆marriage should be an equal partnership.婚姻应当是平等的伴侣关系。◆the school's partnership with parents学校与家长的合作◆a partnership between the united states and europe美国与欧洲的伙伴关系  ➡ see also partner → partner 1 partnership/ˈpɑ:tnəʃɪp ||; ˈpɑrtnɚˌʃɪp/noun1. [u] the state of being a partner in business 合伙;合股: ◇simona went into partnership with her sister and opened a shop in rome. 西蒙娜与她妹妹合伙在罗马开店。 2. [c] a relationship between two people, organizations, etc (两个人、组织等的)伙伴关系: ◇marriage is a partnership for life. 婚姻是终身的关系。 3. [c] a business owned by two or more people 合伙企业 partnershipsee ⇨ with/together 7     • • •• ⇨ in partnership with part·ner·ship /`pɑrtnəˏʃɪp; ˈpɑːtnəʃɪp/n 1. [c,u] a relationship between two people or organizations who work together to achieve something 合作关系:◇in partnership with a scheme organized by the business community in partnership with local colleges 商界与当地大学合作订出的计划 2. [u] when you are a partner in a business [生意的]合伙关系:◇be in partnership we've been in partnership for five years. 我们合伙做生意已经有五年了。 3. [c] a business owned by two or more people 合伙企业,合股公司




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