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单词 particular¹
释义 par·tic·u·lar¹ /pə`tɪkjələ; pəˈtɪkjlə/adj 1. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] a particular thing or person is the one that you are talking about, and not any other 特定的,特指的:◇on that particular occasion, we didn't really get an opportunity to talk. 在那个特别的场合,我们没有什么机会讲话。 2. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] special or important enough to mention separately 特别的:◇there was nothing in the letter of particular importance. 这封信中没提到什么特别重要的事。 3. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] belonging to one person or thing and not any other 特有的:◇each writer has his own particular style. 每个作家都有自己特有的风格。 4. very careful about choosing exactly what you like, and not easily satisfied; fussy 苛求的,讲究的:◇+ about he's very particular about what he eats. 他对吃特别讲究。




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