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单词 contain
释义 contain [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have sth inside or as part of sth包含;含有;容纳◆this drink doesn't contain any alcohol.这种饮料不含任何酒精。◆the bottle contains (= can hold) two litres.此瓶容量为两升。◆he handed over a brown envelope containing a hundred dollar bills.他交出了一个装有一百元钞票的棕色信封。◆her statement contained one or two inaccuracies.她的陈述有一两处不准确。 contain [transitive] (written) to stop sth harmful from spreading or getting worse防止⋯蔓延;防止⋯恶化◆far more could have been done to contain the epidemic.本可以做更多事情来防止此次流行病的蔓延。◆he introduced repressive measures to contain the violence.他采取了一些遏止暴力行为的镇压措施。 contain [transitive] (written) to keep your emotions under control控制,克制,抑制(感情)◆i was so furious i just couldn't contain myself.我气愤极了,简直无法克制自己。◆she could hardly contain her excitement.她几乎无法抑制内心的激动。contain/kənˈteɪn ||; kənˈten/verb [t] (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) 1. to have sth inside or as part of itself 包含;含有: ◇each box contains 24 tins. 每箱装有24罐。 2. to keep sth within limits; to control sth 限制;控制;抑制: ◇efforts to contain inflation 控制通货膨胀的努力◇she found it hard to contain her anger. 她觉得难以抑制自己的怒气。 although this verb is not used in the continuous tenses, it is common to see the present participle (= -ing form) petrol containing lead 虽然这个动词不用于进行时,但它的现在分词还是常见:petrol containing lead含铅汽油 contain or include ? we use contain to talk about objects which have other things inside them a jar containing olives this film contains violent scenes.we use include to show that sb/sth forms part of a whole or belongs to something a team of seven people including a cameraman and a doctor the price of the holiday includes accommodation. 用contain抑或用include?contain用于内里有其他东西的对象:a jar containing olives装有橄榄的瓶子 · this film contains violent scenes. 这部影片里有暴力场面。include用于若干东西构成一个整体或属于某物:a team of seven people including a camaraman and a doctor 一组七人,包括一名摄影师及一名医生 · the price of the holiday includes accommodation. 度假的费用包括住宿。contain1 to have something inside2 to be able to contain a particular amountrelated wordssee alsoinclude/not include,consist of,1. to have something inside 含有某物 contain /kənˈteɪn/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to have something inside, or to have something as a part - used especially on packages or in written descriptions 包含;含有[尤用于包装上或书面描述中] he opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap, and a towel. 他打开包,里面有一把剃须刀、肥皂和一条毛巾。 some paints contain lead, which can be poisonous. 有些颜料含铅,有毒性。 cigarettes containing less than 0.8 mg can be classified as ‘light’. 含有不足0.8毫克[焦油]的香烟可归为“淡味”一类。 the drawer contained various odds and ends. 那个抽屉里装有各种零零碎碎的东西。 a pewter box containing spanish coins from the 1540s 一个装有16世纪40年代西班牙硬币的白镴盒子 have something in it /hæv something ˈɪn ɪt/ if a container, room, food or drink has something in it, something has been put into it 有,含有 does this coffee have sugar in it? 这杯咖啡加糖了吗? carol can't eat anything that has nuts in it. 卡罗尔不吃含有坚果的东西。 the hallway had a huge grandfather clock in it. 门厅里有一座巨型的老式落地钟。2. to be able to contain a particular amount 能够装一定的量 hold /həʊld/ [transitive verb] if something holds 50 people, 10 litres etc, that is the amount it can contain 容纳;容量为 this jug holds about two litres. 那个壶容量约两升。 the lecture theatre can hold up to 200 students. 阶梯教室最多可容纳200名学生。 a blank data disk can hold about 360,000 characters. 一张空白的数据盘可容纳约36万个字符。 take /teɪk/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] especially british to only have enough space to contain a particular number or amount, but no more 【尤英】[只能]容纳 the car can only take five people. 那辆车只能坐五个人。 the bookshelves won't take any more books. 那些书架再也摆不下书了。 can carry /kən ˈkæri/ if a vehicle or ship can carry a particular number of things or people, it has enough space inside for them to go in it [交通工具或船]可载运,可乘 the helicopters can carry eight soldiers each. 每架直升机可载八名士兵。 the ferry can carry 300 passengers, plus 100 vehicles. 渡船可载300名乘客,外加100辆车。 con·tain /kən`ten; kənˈteɪn/v [t] 1. to have something inside, or have something as a part 包含,含有[某物]:◇we also found a wallet containing $45. 我们还找到了一个里面有 45 美元的钱包。◇a report that contained some shocking information 含有一些令人震惊的信息的报道 2. to control the emotions you feel 控制[感情]:◇nina was trying hard to contain her amusement. 妮娜努力控制自己不笑出来。◇contain yourself greg was so excited he could hardly contain himself. 格雷格兴奋得几乎无法克制自己。 3. to stop something from spreading or escaping 控制,抑制[某物的扩散]; 阻止:◇doctors are making every effort to contain the disease. 医生们正竭尽全力控制疾病的扩散。 ☞ contain




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