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单词 construct
释义 construct /kənstrʌkt/ verb [transitive] construct sth (from/out of/of sth) (often be constructed) to build or make sth large, such as a road, building or machine 兴建;建造◆the building was constructed in 1972. 这座大楼建于 1972 年。◆the frame is constructed from steel and plastic. 这个框架是由钢铁和塑料建造而成的。◆a newly constructed hotel 一栋新建成的酒店  ➡  build verb (1) create sth by putting different things or parts together 组成;创建◆i've constructed my own homepage on the web. 我已经在网上建立了自己的主页。◆a carefully constructed letter 一封精心构思的信  ➡  build verb (2)  ➡  reconstruct ☞ construct construct [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to build sth such as a road, building or machine修建,建造(公路、房屋、机器等)◆when was the bridge constructed?那座桥是何时修建的?◆they constructed a shelter out of fallen branches.他们用落下的枯树枝搭了个窝棚。 opp demolish → demolish  ➡ see also construction → production , construction → structure construct/kənˈstrʌkt ||; kənˈstrʌkt/verb [t] to build or make sth 建筑;建造: ◇early houses were constructed out of mud and sticks. 早期的房屋是用泥土和树枝建造的。 ☞ construct is more formal than build. 与build相比,construct多用于正式场合。 constructsee ⇨ build/building 1 ⇨ make 1 con·struct /kən`strʌkt; kənˈstrʌkt/v [t]to build something large such as a house, bridge, or road 建造; 构筑:◇the empire state building was constructed in 1931. 帝国大厦建于 1931 年。




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