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单词 blade
释义 blade nounadjective | verb + blade adjective➤sharp锋利的刀刃▸➤blunt, dull (especially name) 钝刀刃▸➤curved, pointed, serrated, thin弯曲的刀刃;尖刀刃;锯齿状刀刃;薄刀刃➤metal, stainless-steel, steel金属的刀刃;不锈钢的刀刃;钢刀刃▸➤knife, razor, saw, scalpel, sword刀刃;剃须刀刀片;锯片;手术刀刀刃;剑身➤rotor, turbine旋翼叶片;涡轮叶片◆a helicopter's rotor blades直升机的旋翼➤rotary旋转刀片verb + blade➤sharpen磨刀➤draw拔刀➤sheathe插刀入鞘➤swing挥舞刀◆he swung the blade with all his strength.他使出全身的力气挥舞刀。 blade [countable] the flat part of a knife, tool or machine, which has a sharp edge or edges for cutting刀身;刀片;刀刃◆knife blades are generally made of stainless steel.刀刃通常是用不锈钢制成的。◆razor blades should always be sharp.剃须刀片应该总是很锋利。ⓘ blade is also used to mean 'knife' or (more frequently) 'sword'. * blade 也可指刀,但更多指剑◆the swordsmen weaved and dodged as their blades clashed over and over again.剑客们在剑锋的反复撞击声中腾挪躲闪。blade/bleɪd ||; bled/noun[c] 1. the flat, sharp part of a knife, etc (刀等的)刃 ☞picture at scythe 见scythe插图 2. one of the flat, wide parts that turn round very quickly on an aircraft, etc (飞机等的)桨叶,螺旋桨叶 3. a long, thin leaf of grass (细长的)草叶: ◇a blade of grass 一片草叶 blade /bled; bleɪd/n [c] 1. the flat sharp cutting part of a knife, tool, or weapon 刀锋,刀刃:◇the blade needs to be kept sharp. 刀刃要保持锋利。◇razor blades 剃刀刀片 2. a leaf of grass or a similar plant 草叶; 叶片 3. the flat wide part of an oar, propeller etc 桨叶; 螺旋桨叶




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