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单词 burden
释义 burden noun¹ 1responsibility/worry责任;担忧adjective | verb + burden | burden + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤enormous, great, heavy, huge, onerous, significant, substantial, terrible, tremendous重负◆the need to protect the nation places a heavy burden on the shoulders of state leaders.保卫国家是压在国家领导人肩上的重任。◆the war was a huge burden on the economy.这场战争给经济带来巨大负担。➤crippling, crushing, intolerable无法承受的负担➤undue, unfair过度的/不公平的负担➤added, additional, extra额外的负担➤increased增加的负担▸➤administrative, debt, economic, emotional, financial, regulatory, tax行政/债务/经济/感情/财政/管理/税务负担verb + burden➤bear, carry承受负担◆the manager carries the greatest burden of responsibility.经理担当的责任最大。➤assume, shoulder, take on承担责任;肩负责任◆she had to shoulder the burden of childcare.她不得不担起照顾孩子的重担。➤impose, place, put加负担于◆his illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.他的病给家庭带来了无法承受的负担。➤create产生负担➤be, become是负担;成为负担➤feel感到负担◆he was beginning to feel a burden to his family.他开始觉得自己对家人是个累赘。➤increase增加负担▸➤ease, lessen, lighten, reduce, relieve减轻负担▸➤lift, remove, take解除/去掉/承受负担◆the administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。➤shift转移重担◆plans to shift the burden of taxation onto larger companies将税负转移给较大公司的计划➤share分担负担◆i need to share my burden with someone.我需要其他人来分担我的重负。burden + verb➤fall on sb/sth负担落在⋯上◆the economic burden falls mainly on businesses.经济负担主要落在各家企业头上。preposition➤burden for给⋯的负担◆a burden for the whole family带给全家人的负担➤burden of⋯的负担◆the burden of high taxation重税的负担◆she carried a huge burden of guilt for what she had done.她对自己的所作所为深感内疚。➤burden on, burden upon加在⋯上的负担◆reducing taxes would ease the financial burden on families.减税将会减轻家庭的经济负担。➤burden to对⋯的负担◆she felt she was a burden to her parents.她感觉自己是父母的负担。phrases➤the burden of proof (= the responsibility of proving that sth is true) (law法律) 举证责任◆the burden of proof falls on the prosecution: the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty.举证责任在控方:除非被证实有罪,否则就假定被告无罪。➤have a burden on your shoulders肩负重担◆he has the burden of a large family on his shoulders.他肩负着养活一大家子人的重担。➤the burden of doing sth做⋯的重任➤lift the burden from sb's shoulders, take the burden off sb's shoulders解除某人肩上的重担burden noun² 2heavy load重负verb + burden | phrases verb + burden➤carry带着重负◆the women carried their burdens on their backs.那些女人背负重物。➤pick up拿起重物▸➤lay down, put down放下重物phrases➤a beast of burden役畜 burden /bɜːdn; name bɜːrdn/ noun [countable] 1.a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes difficulty or hard work (义务、责任等的)重担,负担◆business customers will bear most of the burden of the rise in postage rates. 企业客户将承担大部分邮资上涨带来的负担。⨁ to bear / carry a burden承受/担负重担 ⨁ to cut / ease / lighten / reduce / relieve a burden削减/缓解/减轻/减少/减轻重担 2.the fact of having to pay an amount of money; the amount of money that you owe (债务)负担;欠款额◆concern about the burden of debt being taken on by households 关注由家庭承担的债务负担 syn load ⨁ a debt / tax burden债务/税收负担 ⨁ to cut / ease / reduce the burden削减/减缓/减少负担 ⨁ to take on a burden担负重任 burden /bɜːdn; name bɜːrdn/ verb [transitive] (often be burdened) to give sb a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes difficulty or hard work 使某人承担责任◆the company is burdened with debts of over $10 million. 公司背负着 1 000 多万元的债务。☞ burden☞ burden burden [countable] (rather formal) a duty or responsibility that causes worry, difficulty or hard work(义务或责任的)重担,负担◆the main burden of caring for old people falls on the state.照料老人的重担大部份落到了国家头上。◆i don't want to become a burden to my children when i'm old.我不想在年老时成为孩子的累赘。◆how can we reduce the heavy tax burden on working people?如何才能减少劳动者身上沉重的税负?▸ burden verb [transitive] ◆they have burdened themselves with a large mortgage.他们负担了一笔很高的按揭贷款。◆i don't want to burden you with my worries.我不想让你为我的烦恼操心。burdenverb [transitive] ◆they have burdened themselves with a large mortgage.他们负担了一笔很高的按揭贷款。◆i don't want to burden you with my worries.我不想让你为我的烦恼操心。burdenverb [transitive] ◆they have burdened themselves with a large mortgage.他们负担了一笔很高的按揭贷款。◆i don't want to burden you with my worries.我不想让你为我的烦恼操心。burden¹/ˈbɜ:dn ||; ˈbɝdṇ/noun[c] 1. something that is heavy and difficult to carry 重负 2. a responsibility or difficult task that causes a lot of work or worry 重担;担子: ◇having to make all the decisions is a terrible burden for me. 所有事情都要我作主,着实令我吃不消。◇i don't want to be a burden to my children when i'm old. 他日年老之时我决不想拖累子女。 burden²/ˈbɜ:dn ||; ˈbɝdṇ/verb [t] burden sb/yourself (with sth) to give sb/yourself a responsibility or task that causes a lot of work or worry 让某人或自己肩负(重担) burdensee ⇨ responsible 2☞ burden¹☞ burden²




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