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单词 coherent
释义 coherent adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem一致;好像连贯▸➤become变得连贯adverb➤remarkably, very极为/非常连贯◆you're not being very coherent.你的话前后不太一致。➤perfectly绝对连贯◆a perfectly coherent remark绝对条理分明的话➤logically逻辑上连贯◆a logically coherent theory逻辑上清楚连贯的理论➤reasonably还算连贯➤barely几乎不连贯◆he sounded barely coherent on the phone.他在电话里听起来几乎话不成句。 coherent /kəʊhɪərənt; name koʊhɪrənt/ (rather formal) (of a person) able to talk and express yourself clearly(人)有表达能力的,能表述清楚的◆she only became coherent again two hours after the attack.她发病两小时之后才恢复了清楚说话的能力。 opp incoherent → hysterical ▸ coherently adverb◆try to express yourself more coherently.试着把你的意思说得更加清楚。 coherent /kəʊhɪərənt; name koʊhɪrənt/ (of an idea, system or explanation) rational and well-organized; clear and easy to understand(思想、体系或解释)合理的,有条理的,清楚易懂的◆she gave a clear, coherent account to the court.她向法庭作了清楚合理的陈述。◆they have yet to come up with a coherent policy on this issue.在这个问题上,他们还没有提出协调一致的政策。ⓘ coherent is used especially to talk about plans and organization; typical collocates include approach, framework, pattern, picture, plan, policy, programme, scheme, strategy, structure, system, theory and whole. * coherent 尤用于修饰计划和组织机构,常见搭配词有 approach、framework、pattern、picture、plan、policy、programme、scheme、strategy、structure、system、theory 和 whole。 opp incoherent → confused 2  ➡ see also coherence → efficiency coherent/kəʊˈhɪərənt ||; koˈhɪrənt/adj clear and easy to understand 连贯的;条理清楚的 [opp] incoherent 反义词为incoherent➔coherence noun [u] ➔coherently advcoherentsee ⇨ logical 1 ⇨ understand/not understand 8 co·her·ent /ko`hɪrənt; kəʊˈhɪərənt/adjclear and easy to understand 清楚易懂的:◇a coherent answer 清楚易懂的回答




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