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单词 everywhere
释义 everywhere/ˈevriweə(r); us -hweə(r) ||; ˈɛvrɪˌhwɛr/adv in or to every place 各处;到处: ◇i've looked everywhere, but i still can't find it. 我到处都找了,但是还找不到。 everywhere1 everywhere in the world2 everywhere in a place or country3 in or to any placerelated wordssee alsoworld,country,1. everywhere in the world 世界各地 everywhere /ˈevriweəʳ/ [adverb] in or to every country or area of the world 在每个地方;到处 everywhere, even in the antarctic, there are signs that the earth is getting warmer. 各个地方,甚至在南极地区,都有地球变暖的迹象。 women everywhere are beginning to assert their rights. 各个地方的妇女都开始坚持自己的权利。 poverty affects children everywhere - not just in developing countries, but in europe and north america as well. 贫穷威胁着各地的孩子——不仅仅在发展中国家,而且还有欧洲和北美。everywhere else in every other place 其他所有地方 we deliver goods the next day in the uk and within a week everywhere else. 英国国内我们第二天把货物送达,其他各地一星期之内送达。 worldwide /ˌwɜːʳldˈwaɪd◂/ [adjective] in every part of the world 遍及全世界的,世界各地的 there has been a worldwide decrease in the number of whales. 鲸的数量在全球各地都减少了。 campaigners are calling for a worldwide ban on the use of land mines. 一些活动家在呼吁全球禁止使用地雷。 a worldwide tv audience of over a billion people 全球超过十亿的电视观众 worldwide [adverb] the company employs about 20,000 worldwide. 公司在全球聘用了大约20,000人。 on the internet, people can send messages worldwide in seconds. 在互联网上,人们瞬间就可以把信息发往世界各地。 all over the world /ɔːl ˌəʊvəʳ ðə ˈwɜːʳld/ [adverb] in every part of the world - use this especially to say how much a particular idea, organization etc has spread [在]世界各地[尤指某种观念、某个组织所涉及的范围] the red cross is a large organization with members all over the world. 红十字会是个规模庞大的组织,成员遍布世界各地。 teams from all over the world will compete in next week's tournament. 来自世界各地的球队将在下周的锦标赛上进行角逐。 all over the world people's lives are being changed by the new technology. 在世界各地,新技术正改变着人们的生活。 global /ˈgləʊbəl/ [adjective usually before noun] involving or including the whole world - used especially in newspapers 全球的,全世界的[尤用于报纸上] the new global economy is exciting and full of possibilities. 新的全球经济令人振奋,充满了机遇。 only the un can tackle global problems like pollution of the atmosphere. 只有联合国才能对付大气污染等全球问题。on a global scale anything the us does is likely to have an impact on a global scale. 美国的一举一动都有可能产生全球性影响。 globally [adverb] the goal of the treaty is to reduce the number of nuclear weapons globally. 这个条约的目的是要减少全世界的核武器数量。 the world over /ðə ˌwɜːʳld ˈəʊvəʳ/ [adverb] in every country or area of the world - use this to say that something is the same in each country 在世界各国;在世界各地[用于表示某事物在每个国家均一样] hollywood films are popular the world over. 好莱坞电影在世界各国都很受欢迎。 children the world over love a good story. 全世界的孩子都喜欢听好听的故事。 globalization also globalisation british /ˌgləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-lə-/ [uncountable noun] when companies and businesses operate all over the world and have factories, workers, shops etc in many different countries 全球[一体]化 globalization can often lead to the destruction of local customs and cultures. 全球化往往会破坏地方习俗和文化。 thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in new york. 因为是全球一体化,在莫斯科买的汉堡包和在纽约买的一模一样。 anti-globalization protesters clashed with police on the streets of geneva today. 反对全球化的抗议者今天在日内瓦的大街上与警察发生了冲突。2. everywhere in a place or country 在某地或某国的各个地方 everywhere also every place american informal /ˈevriweəʳ, ˈevri pleɪs/ [adverb] in or to every part of a place or country 各处;到处 the whole street was flooded - there was water everywhere. 整条街都淹了—到处都是水。 where did you find my keys? i've been looking everywhere for them. 你是在哪里找到我的钥匙的?我在到处找呢。 you see bank machines everywhere nowadays. 如今银行的自动提款机到处都是。 they go every place together. 他们去哪里都在一起。everywhere in there were beautiful rice fields everywhere in the region. 这一地区到处都是美丽的稻田。everywhere else in every other place 其他所有地方 doctors in colorado, like doctors everywhere else, did not have enough of the vaccine. 科罗拉多的医生,一如其他各地的医生,也没有足够的疫苗。 all over /ɔːl ˈəʊvəʳ/ [preposition/adverb] in or to many different parts of a town, country etc, especially when you want to say that you have been to many places [城镇、国家等]各地;到处[尤用于想说你已去过许多地方的时候] we spent two weeks in mexico and traveled all over. 我们在墨西哥逗留了两周,游遍了各个地方。 the choir has sung in concerts all over the country. 该合唱团在全国各地的演唱会都献唱过。 katie's toys were spread out all over the floor. 凯蒂的玩具摊得地板上到处都是。all over the place he went all over the place looking for a shop selling corkscrews but couldn't find one. 他跑遍了那个地方想找一家卖瓶塞钻的商店,可是找不到。 throughout /θruːˈaʊt/ [preposition/adverb] in every part of an area or place 到处,各个地方 you could hear their laughter throughout the building. 整栋大楼里都能听到他们的笑声。 the house is in excellent condition with fitted carpets throughout. 这房子条件非常好,到处都铺了地毯。 wherever you go/look /weərˌevəʳ juː ˈgəʊ, ˈlʊk/ [adverb] if you find a particular thing wherever you go or look, you find it in all the different places that you go to or look in 无论到哪里/无论朝哪里看 there seem to be fountains wherever you look in this park. 这座公园里你无论朝哪儿看,好像都有喷泉。 he seems to make friends wherever he goes. 他好像不管到哪里都能交到朋友。 here, there and everywhere /ˌhɪəʳ ˌðeər ənd ˈevriweəʳ/ [adverb] informal in many different places, without any particular plan or pattern 【非正式】到处,在各个地方 we lived here, there, and everywhere as i was growing up. 我从小到大什么地方都住过。 the adults sat on the porch while the children ran here, there, and everywhere. 大人坐在门廊上,小孩子到处跑。 nationwide /ˌneɪʃənˈwaɪd◂, ˈneɪʃənwaɪd/ [adjective only before noun] in every part of a country 全国性的,全国各地的 nationwide strike/demonstration/campaign workers held nationwide strikes and demonstrations all over spain. 西班牙各地工人举行了全国性大罢工和示威游行。nationwide search/hunt/study/survey a nationwide hunt was launched yesterday for the killer of 13-year-old nicola jones. 昨天发起了一场全国性的追捕行动,缉拿杀害13岁女孩妮古拉·琼斯的凶手。 nationwide [adverb] we have a total of 96 stores nationwide. 我们在全国各地一共拥有96家店。 widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/ [adjective] happening in many places - use this especially about problems or bad situations that affect many areas or many countries [尤指问题或恶劣情况]到处蔓延的,普遍的 there has been widepread flooding in germany, and the rivers are still rising. 德国多个地区遭遇洪水,河水仍在上涨。 government corruption is widespread in the country. 在这个国家,政府普遍腐败。3. in or to any place 在任何地方或去任何地方 anywhere also any place american /ˈeniweəʳ, ˈeni pleɪs/ [adverb] in or to any place 无论何处,随便哪里 you can buy them anywhere, and they're very cheap. 你到处都买得到它们,而且很便宜。 we never go any place or do anything interesting. 我们从来都不去什么地方,也不做什么有趣的事情。anywhere in is there any place in the neighborhood where i can get a quick lunch? 这一带有什么地方我可以很快吃个午饭的吗?anywhere else i'm so happy here. i couldn't possibly imagine living anywhere else. 我在这里很开心,想不出还能住在别的什么地方。anywhere near i don't want that man anywhere near my house. 我不想看到那人在我家附近的任何地方出现。 ev·ery·where /`ɛvrɪˏhwɛr; ˈevriweə/advin or to every place 到处,处处:◇i've looked everywhere for my keys. 我到处在找我的钥匙。→ compare 比较 nowhere ☞ everywhere




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