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单词 chairperson
释义 chairperson /tʃeəpɜːsn; name tʃerpɜːrsn/ noun [countable] (plural chairpersons or, less frequent, chairpeople) a chairman or a chairwoman 主席;会长;董事长  ➡  chair noun  ➡  see note at meeting ☞ chairperson☞ formal meetings☞ referring to men and women in job titleschairperson/ˈtʃeəpɜ:sn ||; ˈtʃɛrˌpɝsṇ/noun [c] (plural -persons) a person who controls a meeting 会议主席 chair·per·son /`tʃɛrˏpɜsṇ; ˈtʃeəˌpɜːsən/ chair·man /-mən; -mən/ chair·wom·an /-ˏwmən; -ˌwʊmən/n [c] 1. someone who is in charge of a meeting or committee [会议的]主持人; [委员会的]主席 2. someone who is in charge of a large company or organization [大公司、大组织的]董事长; 会长; 主席usage note 用法说明: chairpersonchairman can be used for both men and women, but many people prefer to use chairperson or chair, especially if the sex of the person is not known. chairwoman can be used if the person is a woman. chairman 既可用于男性也可用于女性,但许多人更喜欢用 chairperson 或 chair, 尤其是在不知道性别的情况下。chairwoman 可在此人是女性的情况下使用。




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