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单词 chairman
释义 chairman noun (also chairperson) adjective | verb + chairman | chairman + verb | preposition adjective➤board, campaign, club, commission, committee, company, party董事长;竞选事务主席;俱乐部主席;委员会主席;公司董事长;党主席◆she is married to a company chairman.她和一名公司董事长结婚了。➤acting, current, former, incoming, interim, new, outgoing代理主席;现任主席;前主席;继任主席;临时主席;新主席;即将离职的主席◆a report by the outgoing chairman即将离职的主席所作的报告➤deputy, vice副主席➤executive, honorary, non-executive执行/荣誉/非执行主席verb + chairman➤hold the post of, serve as, take over as担任主席;接任主席▸➤appoint (sb), elect (sb), name sb任命(某人为)主席;选举(某人为)主席;提名某人当主席➤step down as辞去主席一职◆he steps down as chairman of the federal reserve next year.他明年卸任美国联邦储备银行主席。chairman + verb➤resign, stand down主席辞职/下台◆the chairman resigned following the allegations.在受到指控后,主席辞职了。preposition➤chairman of⋯主席◆chairman of the senate agriculture committee参议院农业委员会主席  ➡ note at job chairman /tʃeəmən; name tʃer-/ noun [countable] (plural chairmen /-mən/) (also chairman of the board) the person who leads a company's board of directors 主席;董事长◆she was the founder, chairman and ceo of the company. 她是公司的创办人、董事长兼首席执行官。◆he serves as non-executive chairman (= he is not involved in running the company on a daily basis). 他出任非执行主席。◆the outgoing chairman (= the one who is about to leave the company) 即将离任的董事长◆he stepped down as vivendi's vice chairman. 他卸任了维旺迪公司副董事长一职。  ➡  president (1) ⨁ to be promoted to / serve as chairman晋升/担任董事长 ⨁ to appoint sb (as) / elect sb / make sb chairman任命/选举/使某人成为董事长 ⨁ to resign / retire / step down as chairman辞去董事长职位;从董事长职位退下来;卸任董事长一职 2.the head of an official committee or organization (官方委员会或组织机构的)主席,会长◆the chairman of the british medical association 英国医学协会会长⨁ to appoint sb (as) / elect sb / make sb / serve as chairman指定/选举/任命某人为主席;担任主席 ⨁ to resign / retire / stepdown as chairman辞去主席职位;从主席职位退下来;卸任主席一职 ⨁ an acting chairman代理主席 3.the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc. (会议的)主席,主持人◆the chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present. 会议主席欢迎来宾,作为会议的开始。◆she was elected chairman at the committee's first meeting. 她在委员会的第一次会议上获推选为会议主席。⨁ to appoint sb (as) / make sb chairman指定/任命(某人)为会议主席 executive chairman ☞ chairman chairman [countable] the person in charge of a committee or company; the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak(委员会的)理事长,主席;(公司的)董事长;(会议的)主席,主持人◆the chairman of the company presented the annual report.公司董事长提交了年度报告。◆sir herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman.赫伯特爵士主动担任了主席。ⓘ a chairman is nearly always a man. a woman who holds this position can be called a chairwoman, but this is much less frequent. the term chair (see below) can be used for a man or a woman, but usually refers to sb in charge of a committee or meeting but not a company. * chairman 几乎总是男性,担任该职务的女性称作 chairwoman,但该词不常用。而 chair 这一用语(见下面的分词条)可兼指男女,但通常指委员会或会议的主席,而非公司的董事长◆the committee / council / party chair委员会/地方议会/政党主席◆the company/industry/union/club chair chairman/ˈtʃeəmən ||; ˈtʃɛrmən/noun [c] (plural -men /-men ||; -mɛn/) 1. the head of a company or other organization (公司或其他组织的)主席,总裁,董事长 2. a person who controls a meeting 会议主席 ➔chairmanship noun [sing]




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