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单词 ceremony
释义 ceremony noun¹ 1formal public/religious event正式的公共或宗教活动adjective | verb + ceremony | ceremony + verb | preposition adjective➤brief, short简短的仪式▸➤quiet, simple不事张扬的/简单的仪式▸➤elaborate, glittering, lavish精心安排的/绚丽的/奢华的典礼▸➤moving, solemn动人的/庄严的仪式▸➤private, public私人性质的/公开的仪式▸➤formal, important, official, special, traditional合乎礼仪的/重要的/正式的/特别的/传统的仪式◆an official ceremony to welcome the new director欢迎新主管的正式仪式➤inaugural, opening就职典礼;开幕式◆the opening ceremony of the olympics奥林匹克运动会开幕式➤closing闭幕式▸➤awards, presentation, prize-giving (especially bre) 颁奖礼;赠送/授予仪式;颁奖典礼➤civil-partnership (in the uk) , commitment, marriage, wedding民事伴侣关系/婚姻承诺/婚礼/结婚仪式◆a same-sex commitment ceremony同性婚姻承诺仪式➤civil, religious世俗/宗教仪式➤coming-of-age, naming, retirement (name) 成人礼;命名仪式;退休仪式➤burial, funeral, memorial, wreath-laying入葬仪式;葬礼;纪念仪式;献花圈仪式➤commencement, degree, graduation毕业典礼;学位颁授仪式➤inauguration, induction, initiation, signing, swearing-in就职典礼;入职仪式;入会仪式;签字仪式;宣誓仪式➤groundbreaking (= to mark the beginning of construction of a new building) 奠基仪式➤dedication, flag-raising, ribbon-cutting, unveiling落成典礼;升旗仪式;剪彩仪式;揭幕式➤tea茶道◆the japanese tea ceremony日本茶道verb + ceremony➤conduct, officiate, officiate at, perform主持仪式;举行仪式◆the marriage ceremony was performed by the bishop.结婚仪式由主教主持。➤hold, host主持仪式▸➤attend, be present at, take part in参加典礼;出席典礼ceremony + verb➤take place典礼举行▸➤commemorate sth, honour/honor sb/sth, mark sth典礼纪念⋯;仪式标志⋯◆a special ceremony to mark the opening of the festival标志节日开始的特别仪式preposition➤at a/the ceremony在仪式上◆many dignitaries were present at the ceremony.许多显要人物出席了典礼。➤during a/the ceremony在仪式举行的过程中◆a lot of people wept during the funeral ceremony.葬礼上许多人都哭了。➤in a/the ceremony在典礼中◆they were married in a simple ceremony.他们的结婚仪式很简单。ceremony noun² 2formal/traditional actions and words礼节性的举止;惯例的言行verb + ceremony | preposition | phrases verb + ceremony➤stand on (especially bre) 讲究客套◆i won't stand on ceremony (= be formal).我不会讲客套。preposition➤without ceremony随意地◆it was done quickly and without ceremony.这件事很快草草了结了。phrases➤pomp and ceremony盛大场面与仪式◆the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding王室婚礼的盛大场面与仪式➤with great ceremony按照隆重礼仪◆she was buried with great ceremony in the abbey.她被隆重地安葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂。 ceremony nounceremony ♦︎ ritual ♦︎ rite ♦︎ service ♦︎ liturgy ♦︎ sacrament ♦︎ prayersthese are all words for a series of actions that form part of religious worship or a formal occasion.这些词均表示宗教仪式或正式典礼。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆at a ceremony / a ritual / a rite / a service / prayers◆a religious ceremony / ritual / rite / service◆a / an ancient / primitive / traditional / pagan ceremony / ritual / rite◆an initiation ceremony / ritual / rite◆a funeral ceremony / rite / service◆(a) christian ceremony / ritual / liturgy◆to perform a ceremony / ritual / rite◆to attend a ceremony / service / prayers◆to hold a ceremony / service■ ceremony [countable] a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions典礼;仪式◆they were married in a simple ceremony.他们结婚了,婚礼很简单。◆an awards ceremony颁奖典礼◆the opening ceremony of the olympic games奥运会开幕式◆the japanese tea ceremony日本茶道▸ ceremonial /serɪməʊniəl; name serɪmoʊniəl/ adjective◆a ceremonial occasion / sword礼仪场合/佩剑■ ritual /rɪtʃuəl/ [countable, uncountable] a series of actions that are always carried out in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremony程序;仪规;礼节;(尤指)宗教仪式◆many folk dances have their origins in ancient pagan rituals.许多民间舞蹈源自古代异教徒的仪式。◆she objects to the ritual of organized religion.她反对有组织宗教的仪规。 ➡ see also ritual → habit ▸ ritual adjective◆ritual chanting / practices仪式上的圣咏演唱;仪式惯例▸ ritually adverb◆the goat was ritually slaughtered.山羊按照仪式宰杀了。■ rite [countable] a ritual程序;仪规;礼节;(尤指)宗教仪式◆he received the last rites from a roman catholic priest and died an hour later.天主教会的神父为他做了临终祈祷,一小时后他死了。◆new members of the cult have to undergo a secret initiation rite.异教团体的新成员必须进行秘密的入会仪式。note 辨析 ritual or rite?both these words are connected with ancient religious practices, especially ones that mark the important events in sb's life or in the cycle of life and death.这两个词均与古代的宗教习俗有关,尤其是与人生的重大事件或生死轮回有关的习俗◆religious / ancient / primitive / traditional / pagan rituals / rites宗教/古代/原始/传统/异教徒仪式◆initiation / fertility rituals / rites入会仪式;丰收祭祀in many cases you can use either word. however, there can be a slight difference of emphasis: ritual often emphasizes the complicated form of the ceremony more than its meaning and you can talk about an elaborate ritual or an empty ritual that has lost its meaning altogether. a rite is often simpler and more serious, especially when it is connected with death: ritual is not used in these cases.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。不过,两者强调的重点略有不同:ritual 通常强调仪式的繁复甚于仪式的意义。可以说 an elaborate ritual (繁琐的仪式)或 an empty ritual (空洞的程序),但这两种表述中的 ritual 都失去了原先的意义。rite 所指的仪式通常较为简单且更加严肃,尤与死亡相关。ritual 不这样用◆he received the last rituals from a roman catholic priest. ◆funeral rituals ■ service [countable] a religious ceremony, either as part of the regular worship of a particular church or community, or to mark a particular occasion宗教礼仪;礼拜仪式◆he always attends morning service.他总是参加晨祷。◆a special service of praise and thanksgiving was held in the cathedral.主教堂里举行了赞美和感恩的特别仪式。■ liturgy /lɪtədʒi; name lɪtərdʒi/ [countable, uncountable] a fixed form of public worship used in churches礼拜仪式◆henry viii ordered that the english prayer book was to replace the old latin liturgy in church services.亨利八世下令,教堂礼拜时要用英语祈祷书代替原先的拉丁文祈祷书。◆he has written several books on theology and liturgy.他写过几部关于神学和礼拜仪式的书。■ sacrament /sækrəmənt/ [countable] (rather formal) an important christian ceremony such as marriage, baptism or communion(基督教)圣事,圣礼(如婚配、圣洗或圣餐等)◆to receive the sacrament of christian baptism接受基督教洗礼的圣事■ prayers [plural] a religious meeting that takes place regularly, in which people say prayers to give thanks to god or ask him for help祈祷会;祷告式◆he reads the koran, attends daily prayers and has made a pilgrimage to mecca.他读《古兰经》,参加每日祈祷,还去过麦加朝圣。 ceremony [countable] a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions典礼;仪式◆they were married in a simple ceremony.他们结婚了,婚礼很简单。◆an awards ceremony颁奖典礼◆the opening ceremony of the olympic games奥运会开幕式◆the japanese tea ceremony日本茶道▸ ceremonial /serɪməʊniəl; name serɪmoʊniəl/ adjective◆a ceremonial occasion / sword礼仪场合/佩剑ceremony/ˈserəməni; us -məʊnɪ ||; ˈsɛrəˌmonɪ/noun (plural ceremonies) 1. [c] a formal public or religious event 仪式;典礼: ◇the opening ceremony of the olympic games 奥运会开幕式◇a wedding ceremony 婚礼 2. [u] formal behaviour, speech, actions, etc that are expected on special occasions 礼仪;礼节: ◇the new hospital was opened with great ceremony. 这家新医院举行了隆重的开业典礼。 ceremonysee ⇨ tradition 3 cer·e·mo·ny /`sɛrəˏmonɪ; ˈserɪməni/n 1. [c] a formal public or religious event, for example when people get married or a new building is opened 典礼,仪式:◇the marriage ceremony 结婚典礼 2. [u] the formal words and actions that are said or done on special occasions 礼仪,礼节 ☞ ceremony




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