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单词 distant
释义 distant adjective¹ 1far away in space空间上遥远verbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, sound遥远;听起来遥远▸➤become, grow变得越来越远◆the sound of the engine was growing more and more distant.引擎的响声越来越远。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常遥远▸➤far (literary) 远在天边◆in far distant lands在很远很远的地方➤relatively相对比较远▸➤increasingly越来越远▸➤geographically, physically地理上/实际相隔遥远◆geographically distant areas of the world世界上地理位置相隔遥远的地区preposition➤from远离⋯◆the stars are more distant from the earth than the sun.星星比太阳离地球更为遥远。phrases➤two miles distant, three days distant, etc.两英里远、相差三天等◆these sites were often several miles distant from each other.这些场地之间往往有几英里远。distant adjective² 2far away in time时间上久远verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be久远adverb➤impossibly不可思议地久远◆the medieval mind can seem impossibly distant.中世纪的思想似乎遥不可及。➤historically历史上久远phrases➤in the far distant future在遥远的将来▸➤in the not too distant future, in the not too distant past在不太遥远的将来/过去◆in the not too distant future, we may witness the cloning of human beings.在不太遥远的将来,我们可能会看到克隆人。➤the dim and distant past (bre) 模糊而遥远的过去◆stories from the dim and distant past遥远过去的故事distant adjective³ 3not friendly/not paying attention不友好;不关注verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound确实/觉得/似乎/显得/听上去疏远◆he felt oddly distant from her.他觉得莫名其妙地跟她疏远了。➤become, grow变得疏远▸➤remain保持距离▸➤find sb觉得某人冷淡adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/十分疏远➤increasingly越来越疏远◆their relationship has grown increasingly distant in recent years.近几年来,他们的关系变得越来越疏远。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略微冷淡▸➤oddly, strangely莫名地/古怪地疏离◆even his children found him strangely distant and impersonal.连他的孩子们也觉得他莫名地疏离,没有人情味。➤emotionally情感上疏离phrases➤cold and distant冷淡疏远◆when they met, he was very cold and distant.他们见面时,他十分冷淡疏远。distant [usually before noun] far away in time(时间上)遥远的;久远的◆the time we spent together is now a distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为遥远的记忆。◆we will be moving house in the not too distant future (= quite soon).我们很快就要搬家。distant/ˈdɪstənt ||; ˈdɪstənt/adj1. a long way away in space or time (指时间或空间)距离远的: ◇travel to distant parts of the world 到天涯海角去◇in the not-too-distant future (= quite soon) 在不远的将来 2. (used about a relative) not closely related (指亲属)远房的: ◇a distant cousin 一位远房的表亲 3. not very friendly 冷漠的;冷淡的: ◇he has a rather distant manner and it's hard to get to know him well. 他态度冷淡,别人很难跟他熟稔。 4. seeming to be thinking about sth else 心不在焉的: ◇she had a distant look in her eyes and clearly wasn't listening to me. 她眼神中若有所思,显然没有在听我说话。 distantsee ⇨ far 2 ⇨ unfriendly 2 dis·tant /`dɪstənt; ˈdɪstənt/adj 1. far away from where you are now, or a long time from now 远离的,遥远的:◇the distant hills 远处的群山◇in the distant past 在久远的过去 2. not very closely related to you 关系远的,远房的:◇a distant cousin 远房表亲 3. not very friendly with or interested in other people 冷淡的,不友好的:◇a very formal and distant man 一本正经而又冷冰冰的男士 ☞ distant




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