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单词 disqualify
释义 disqualify /dɪskwɒlɪfaɪ; name -kwɑːl-/ verb [transitive] (disqualifies, disqualifying, disqualified, disqualified) to prevent sb from doing sth because they have broken a rule or are not suitable 取消(某人做某事的)资格◆she has been disqualified from practising as a lawyer. 她被取消律师执业的资格。◆he was disqualified as a director after being declared bankrupt. 被宣布破产后,他被取消担任董事的资格。 ▸ disqualification /dɪsˌkwɒlɪfɪkeɪʃn; name -ˌkwɑːl-/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆directors can face fines or disqualification if they allow an insolvent company to go on trading. 如果允许破产公司继续贸易活动的话,董事们会面临罚款或取消资格。☞ disqualifydisqualify/dɪsˈkwɒlɪfaɪ ||; dɪsˈkwɑləˌfaɪ/verb [t] (present participle disqualifying third person singular present disqualifies;past tense past participle disqualified)disqualify sb (from sth/doing sth);disqualify sb (for sth) to officially prevent sb from doing sth or taking part in sth, usually because he/she has broken a rule or law 取消某人的资格(通常因为其犯规或违法): ◇he was disqualified from driving for two years. 他被取消驾车资格,为期两年。◇the team were disqualified for cheating. 该队因作弊而被取消资格。 ➔disqualification /dɪsˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ||; dɪsˌkwɑləfəˈkeʃən/ noun [c,u]disqualifysee ⇨ forbid 5 dis·qual·i·fy /dɪs`kwɑləˏfaɪ; dɪsˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/v [t]to stop someone from taking part in an activity or competition, usually because they have done something wrong 取消[某人]的参加资格:◇+ from schumacher was disqualified from the race. 舒马赫被取消了那次比赛的参赛资格。




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