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单词 crack
释义 crack noun¹ 1line on the surface of sth where it has broken表面的裂缝adjective | crack + verb adjective➤big, deep, huge, large, long, serious (especially bre) 大的裂缝;深的裂缝;长的裂纹;大量的裂缝▸➤short, small短裂纹;小裂纹▸➤fine, hairline, thin细小的裂纹;极细的裂纹crack + verb➤appear裂纹出现▸➤develop, spread裂纹变大/扩展▸➤run裂纹延伸◆a fine crack ran up the wall.墙体向上裂开一道细纹。crack noun² 2narrow opening缝隙adjective | verb + crack | crack + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤narrow, small, tiny窄缝;小缝▸➤wide宽缝verb + crack➤fill, seal填缝隙;封缝隙◆we filled the cracks in the plaster before hanging the wallpaper.我们把灰泥上的缝隙填上后才贴壁纸。crack + verb➤appear缝隙出现◆wide cracks appeared in the ground during the drought.干旱期间,地面出现了很宽的缝隙。➤open up, widen缝隙变宽preposition➤crack in⋯上的缝隙◆there's a crack in the fence big enough to look through.篱笆上的缝隙大得可以看到里面。phrases➤a crack of light一缕光线◆a tiny crack of light under the door门下一缕细细的光线➤open a door, window, etc. a crack门、窗等打开一条缝◆could you open the window just a crack?您把窗子打开一条缝好吗?crack noun³ 3sudden loud sound突然的巨响adjective | verb + crack | crack + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤loud, resounding, sharp响亮的劈啪声;刺耳的爆裂声➤sickening令人难受的爆裂声➤satisfying令人满意的劈啪声➤audible听得见的劈啪声verb + crack➤hear听到劈啪声crack + verb➤echo爆裂声回响◆a loud crack echoed off the empty walls.巨大的爆裂声在空荡荡的围墙间回响。preposition➤with a crack劈啪一声◆the chandelier hit the floor with a crack.枝形吊灯啪的一声掉在了地板上。➤crack of⋯的劈啪声phrases➤the crack of a whip鞭子的劈啪声➤a crack of thunder一声霹雳  ➡ note at sound crack verbbecome mentally ill精神崩溃adverb | phrases adverb➤completely彻底崩溃▸➤finally最终崩溃◆the stresses of her job became too great and she finally cracked.她工作压力变得太过巨大,最终精神崩溃了。➤up精神垮掉◆he thought he'd never get through the ordeal without cracking up.他觉得自己即使能躲过这一劫也要变疯了。phrases➤crack under the pressure, crack under the strain, show signs of cracking因压力而吃不消;因紧张而吃不消;表现出崩溃的迹象◆he is under a lot of pressure but is showing no signs of cracking.他的压力很大,但还没看出他吃不消。crack verb ●crack downadverb➤hard严厉打击preposition➤on对⋯采取严厉措施◆to crack down hard on crime严厉打击犯罪crack nouncrack ♦︎ fissure ♦︎ crevice ♦︎ cleft ♦︎ chink ♦︎ faultthese are all words for a long, narrow opening in sth hard.这些词均表示硬物上的裂缝、裂口、裂纹。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a crack / fissure / crevice / cleft / chink / fault in sth◆a narrow crack / fissure / crevice / cleft / chink◆a long crack / fissure / cleft◆a crack / fissure opens■ crack [countable] a line on the surface of sth hard where it has broken but not split into separate parts; a narrow space or opening裂纹;裂缝;缝隙◆this cup has a crack in it.这杯子有一道裂痕。◆cracks began to appear in the walls.墙壁开始出现裂缝。◆she peeped through a crack in the curtains.她透过窗帘的缝隙窥视。◆the door opened a crack (= a small amount).门开了一条缝。 ➡ see also crack → break verb 1 ■ fissure /fɪʃə(r)/ [countable] (technical术语) a long deep crack in sth, especially in rock or in the earth(尤指岩石或土地中深长的)裂缝,裂隙◆fissures in the ocean floor海底的裂缝▸ fissured adjective◆fissured rock / terrain裂隙岩体/地面■ crevice /krevɪs/ [countable] a narrow crack in a rock or wall(岩石或墙壁的)裂缝,裂隙,裂口◆most of the year the insects are hidden in rock crevices.一年中的大部份时间昆虫都藏在岩石缝隙中。■ cleft [countable] a natural opening or crack, for example in the ground or in rock, or in part of the body(地面、岩石或身体上自然形成的)裂口,裂缝◆a cleft in the rocks / hills岩石/山体的裂缝◆the cleft in his chin他下巴上的凹陷■ chink [countable] a narrow opening in sth, especially one that lets light through(尤指光线可进入的)裂口,缝隙,裂缝◆a chink in the curtains窗帘的缝隙◆i noticed a chink of light under the door (= a small area of light shining through a narrow opening).我注意到门下透出一道光线。note 辨析 crack or chink? crack is a more general word than chink. * crack 含义比 chink 宽。you can say可以说◆a crack / chink in the curtains窗帘的缝隙and以及◆the door opened a crack.门开了一条缝。but not但不说◆the door opened a chink. you can have可以说◆a chink of light一道光线but not但不说◆a crack of light ■ fault [countable] a place where there is a break that is longer than usual in the layers of rock in the earth's crust(地壳岩层的)断层◆the san andreas fault圣安德烈亚斯断层◆a fault line断层线 crack [countable] a sudden loud sharp sound(突然的)爆裂声,劈啪声◆she heard the sharp crack of a rifle shot.她听到尖厉的步枪射击声。 crack [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to make a sudden loud sharp sound; to cause sth to make this sound(使)发出爆裂声,劈啪作响◆a shot cracked across the ridge.一颗炮弹尖啸着飞过了山脊。◆he cracked his whip and galloped away.他抽响鞭子,策马飞奔而去。 crack [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body, especially your head, against sth in a painful way使(身体部位,尤指头)猛撞◆he stood up suddenly, cracking his head on the low ceiling.他猛地站起身,头撞上了低矮的天花板。 crack [intransitive, transitive](of sth hard) to break so that lines appear in it, but without dividing into separate parts; to break sth in this way(使硬物)破裂,裂开,断裂◆the ice cracked as i stepped on it.我一踩冰就裂了。◆the leather / mud / paint / plaster had cracked.皮革/泥/油漆/灰泥已开裂。◆he has cracked a bone in his arm.他的手臂有一处骨裂。◆her lips were dry and cracked.她的嘴唇干裂了。ⓘ less frequently, to crack can involve breaking into separate parts, if it is used with a preposition. * crack 与介词连用可表示打碎,此义较少用◆she cracked an egg into the pan.她往锅里打了一个鸡蛋。 ➡ see also crack → crack noun crack [countable] a line on the surface of sth hard where it has broken but not split into separate parts; a narrow space or opening裂纹;裂缝;缝隙◆this cup has a crack in it.这杯子有一道裂痕。◆cracks began to appear in the walls.墙壁开始出现裂缝。◆she peeped through a crack in the curtains.她透过窗帘的缝隙窥视。◆the door opened a crack (= a small amount).门开了一条缝。 ➡ see also crack → break verb 1 crack [transitive] (rather informal) to find the solution to sth such as a crime or puzzle (= a game designed to test mental problem-solving skills) 找到解决(罪案或智力题)的办法◆'how's the investigation going?' 'i think we've cracked it.'“调查工作进展如何?”“我认为我们已经查明真相。”◆a team of experts finally cracked the code (= found out what it meant).一组专家终于破译了这个密码。crack¹/kræk ||; kræk/verb1. [i,t] to break or to make sth break so that a line appears on the surface, but without breaking into pieces (使)出现裂口或裂缝: ◇don't put boiling water into that glass -- it'll crack. 不要把滚热的水倒进去,那玻璃杯会裂的。◇the stone cracked the windscreen but didn't break it. 那石块打裂了挡风玻璃,但没有把它砸碎。 ☞picture at chip 见chip插图 2. [t] to break sth open 打破;砸开: ◇crack two eggs into a bowl. 将两个鸡蛋打进碗里。 3. [i,t] to make a sudden loud, sharp sound; to cause sth to make this sound (使)发出劈啪声: ◇to crack a whip/your knuckles 啪啪地甩鞭子;拧指关节 4. [t] to hit a part of your body against sth; to hit sb with sth (身体部份)撞到,碰到(某物): ◇she stood up and cracked her head on the cupboard door. 她站起来,头撞着橱柜的门。◇she cracked the thief over the head with her umbrella. 她用雨伞敲窃贼的脑袋。 5. [i] to no longer be able to deal with pressure and so lose control (由于不能应付压力而)精神崩溃,失控: ◇he cracked under the strain of all his problems. 他在问题重重的压力下精神崩溃了。 6. [i] (used about sb's voice) to suddenly change in a way that is not controlled (指某人的声音)变粗,发哑: ◇her voice cracked as she spoke about her parent's death. 她说到父母去世时,声音沙哑了。 7. [t] (informal 非正式) to solve a problem 解决(某个问题): ◇to crack a code 破译密码◇the police have cracked an international drug-smuggling ring. 警方破获了一个国际毒品走私集团。 8. [t] to tell or make a joke 说笑话;开玩笑: ◇stop cracking jokes and do some work! 别再开玩笑了,干点活吧! get cracking (brit 英) (informal 非正式) to start doing sth immediately 立即行动: ◇i have to finish this job today so i'd better get cracking. 我今天得完成这工作,所以最好还是马上开始。 crack down (on sb/sth) (used about people in authority) to start dealing strictly with bad or illegal behaviour (指掌握权力者)严办,严惩,严厉对待(不良或违法的人或行为): ◇the police have started to crack down on drug dealers. 警方已经开始严厉打击毒贩。 crack up 1. (informal 非正式) to be unable to deal with pressure and so lose control and become mentally ill (由于不能应付压力而)失控,精神崩溃: ◇he cracked up when his wife left him. 他的妻子一离开他,他便精神崩溃。 2. (slang 俚语) to suddenly start laughing, especially when you should be serious 突然大笑(尤指在应该严肃的时候)crack²/kræk ||; kræk/noun1. [c] a line on the surface of sth where it has broken, but not into separate pieces 裂缝;裂口: ◇a pane of glass with a crack in it 有一处裂缝的窗玻璃 (figurative 比喻) ◇they had always seemed happy together, but then cracks began to appear in their relationship. 他们似乎一直相亲相爱,然后他们的关系开始出现裂缝。 ☞picture at chip 见chip插图 2. [c] a narrow opening 窄缝;狭长的开口: ◇a crack in the curtains 窗帘间的缝隙 3. [c] a sudden loud, sharp sound 劈啪声;爆裂声: ◇there was a loud crack as the gun went off. 开炮了,发出砰的一声巨响。 4. [c] a hard hit on a part of the body 猛烈的一击: ◇suddenly a golf ball gave him a nasty crack on the head. 突然之间,一个高尔夫球猛然打在他头上,难受极了。 5. [c] (informal 非正式) an amusing, often critical, comment; a joke 俏皮话;笑话: ◇she made a crack about his bald head and he got angry. 她拿他的秃头开玩笑,使他生气。 6. [u] a dangerous and illegal drug that some people take for pleasure and cannot then stop taking 强效纯可卡因;强效纯古柯碱 the crack of dawn very early in the morning 破晓;黎明 have a crack (at sth/at doing sth)(informal 非正式) to try to do sth 尝试: ◇i'm not sure how to play but i'll have a crack at it. 我不知道怎样玩,但我想试一试。 crack³/kræk ||; kræk/adj (used about soldiers or sports players) very well trained and skilful (指士兵或运动员)训练有素的,技术精湛的: ◇crack troops 精锐部队◇he's a crack shot (= very accurate at shooting) with a rifle. 他打步枪是个神射手。 cracksee ⇨ break 1,2,9 ⇨ hit 4 ⇨ hole 4 ⇨ solve 5 ⇨ sound 5☞ crack¹☞ crack²☞ crack³




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