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单词 if
释义 if/ɪf ||; ɪf/conj 1. used in sentences in which one thing only happens or is true when another thing happens or is true 如果;假如;要是: ◇if you see him, give him this letter. 你看到他的话,把这封信交给他。◇we won't go to the beach if it rains. 要是下雨,我们就不去海滩了。◇if i had more time, i would learn another language. 如果有时间,我会再学一种语言。◇i might see her tomorrow. if not, i'll see her at the weekend. 我明天或许会见到她,要不就会在周末见到。 2. when; every time 当;每次: ◇if i try to phone her she just hangs up. 每次我给她打电话,她都把电话挂断。◇if metal gets hot it expands. 金属遇热就膨胀。 3. used after verbs such as ‘ask’, ‘know’, ‘remember’ (用于ask、know、remember等动词之后)是否: ◇they asked if we would like to go too. 他们问我们是不是也想去。◇i can't remember if i posted the letter or not. 这封信我记不清寄了没有。 ☞look at the note at whether. 参看whether的注释。 4. used when you are asking sb to do sth or suggesting sth politely (用于礼貌的请求或建议): ◇if you could just come this way, sir. 先生,请跟我来。◇if i might suggest something... 我想提个建议… as if→aseven if→even²if i were you used when you are giving sb advice (用于提出忠告): ◇if i were you, i'd leave now. 我要是你,现在就走。 if it wasn't/weren't for sb/sth if a particular person or situation did not exist or was not there; without sb/sth 要不是;若非: ◇if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't stay in this country. 要不是因为他,我不会待在这个国家。 if only used for expressing a strong wish (用于表达殷切的愿望): ◇if only i could drive. 我会开车就好了。◇if only he'd write. 要是他写信给我就好了。 if1 ways of saying 'if'2 asking what the result will be if something happens3 when something will happen if something else happens first4 if something does not happen5 why something must be true6 when the situation would be different if something had not happenedrelated wordssee alsodepend/it depends,maybe,1. ways of saying 'if' 说“如果”的几种方法 if /ɪf/ [conjunction] if you do that again i'll hit you. 如果你再这么做,我就要揍你了。 do you think i'd be here if i had a choice? 你觉得要是让我选择,我会到这里来吗? i know i look tired. so would you if you had this house, a husband, and three children to look after. 我知道自己看上去疲惫不堪。如果你来照看这所房子,照顾丈夫和三个孩子,你也会像我一样的。if you like/want i have a drill. if you like, you can borrow it. 我有把钻机。如果你想用,可以借去。if so formal if this is true 【正式】如果某事正确 i believe you sell video cameras. if so, please would you send me a price list? 据我所知贵公司出售摄像机。如果的确如此,能否寄给我一张价目表呢?if necessary/possible if it is necessary or possible 如果有必要/如果有可能 we're prepared to work all through the night if necessary. 我们已作好准备,如果有必要就开夜车。 use live natural yoghurt, full-fat if possible. 使用含活菌的天然酸乳酪,如有可能最好是全脂的。if taken/used/needed etc if taken in small doses, the drug has no harmful effects. 如果小剂量服用,则该药没有害处。 should /ʃʊd/ [modal verb] formal use this when something might happen in the future but it is not likely 【正式】假如,要是[用于指将来] we've planned everything very carefully, but should there be any problems, contact me immediately. 我们已仔细计划好一切了,不过一旦出现问题,请立刻与我联系。 should you ever find yourself in oxford, i'm sure uncle eric would be glad to see you. 你几时到了牛津,埃里克叔叔见到你一定会很高兴的。 had /hæd/ [modal verb] formal use this when you are saying what the result would have been if things had happened differently in the past 【正式】假如,要是[用于指过去] had i known earlier that you wanted to join the team, i'd have put your name on the list. 要是我早知道你想加入这支队,我就把你的名字放到名单上了。 my horse would have won had he not fallen at the final fence. 我的马要是没有在最后一栏跌倒的话就赢了。 even if /ˈiːvən ɪf/ [conjunction] use this when something will still happen if a situation changes or if there is a problem 即使,纵然 he's going to buy the farm even if they raise the price. 即使他们提高售价,他也准备买下农场。 even if the government survives this crisis, they still face enormous problems. 政府即使渡过此次危机,也仍将面临巨大的问题。 you should always exercise -- even if it's only 10 minutes a day. 你应该坚持锻炼—即使每天只有十分钟。 in case /ɪn ˈkeɪs/ [conjunction] use this to say that something is done because something else might happen or be true 以防,以免,以防万一 i'll take an umbrella in case it rains. 我要带把伞以防下雨。 in case you missed the first episode, here is the story so far. 要是你漏看了第一集,这是到目前为止的故事情节。 in case you were thinking i'd lend you any money, i'll tell you now -- i won't! 为了免得你以为我会借钱给你,我现在就把话说清楚—我不借!just in case i'm sure they haven't forgotten but let's send them a reminder just in case. 我肯定他们没忘掉,不过我们给他们寄一张提示卡,以防万一。 in the event of /ɪn ði ɪˈvent ɒv/ [preposition] formal use this when you are saying what will be done if at any time there is a serious problem, an accident etc - used especially in official notices, plans, or instructions 【正式】如果…发生;万一[尤用于正式通知、计划或指示中] britain agreed to support the us in the event of war. 英国同意如发生战争将支持美国。 the plan outlines emergency procedures in the event of a major accident. 计划中说明了如果遇到重大事故应该采取的紧急措施。in the unlikely event of if something unlikely happens 万一 in the unlikely event of a burglar entering the building, the alarm system will be activated. 万一有窃贼进入大楼,警报系统便会启动。 in case of /ɪn ˈkeɪs ɒv/ [preposition] written used especially in official notices and instructions to tell people what to do if something unpleasant or unexpected happens 【书面】假使,如果发生…[尤用于官方通知或指示] in case of fire, leave the building by the nearest exit. 如遇火灾,请从最近的出口离开。 it is illegal to park on the hard shoulder except in case of emergency. 除非是发生紧急情况,否则把车停在紧急停车道上是非法的。2. asking what the result will be if something happens 询问如果发生某事会有什么结果 what if ...? /ˈwɒt ɪf/ [conjunction] use this to ask someone what they will do if something in particular happens 如果…将怎么办? what if your plan doesn't work? 如果你的计划不管用怎么办? i sat there till lunchtime thinking, ‘what if he doesn't come back?’ 我在那里坐到午饭时间,一直在想,“如果他不回来那怎么办?” supposing/suppose/say /səˈpəʊzɪŋ, səˈpəʊz, seɪ/ [conjunction] spoken use this when you are asking or imagining what the result will be if a particular thing happens 【口】如果,假如 supposing things change and the industry becomes more important. we might make a big profit. 如果情况变化,这门工业变得更加重要,那我们也许能赚一大笔利润。 you don't expect me to join the army, do you? suppose i get killed? 你不是以为我会参军吧?如果我被打死怎么办? ‘i'm not a violent person.’ ‘no, but say someone attacked you. you wouldn't just stand there, would you?’ “我这人不爱动粗。”“不错,不过若有人袭击你,你不会就一动不动地站在那儿吧?”3. when something will happen if something else happens first 如果另一件事先发生的话,某事就会发生 if /ɪf/ [conjunction] i'll give you twenty pounds if you fix my computer for me. 你如果帮我修好电脑,我就给你20英镑。 if she does well in her exams, she will be going to college in october. 如果考得好,她在10月份就上大学。 only if /ˈəʊnli ɪf/ [conjunction] use this to emphasize that something will only happen if something else happens first, but will definitely not happen if the first thing does not 决不…除非…;只有·才… ok, i'll tell you, but only if you promise not to tell anyone else. 好吧,我告诉你。但你要先答应我不告诉任何人。 seat belts are effective only if they are correctly adjusted. 只有正确地系好安全带它才会起作用。 on condition (that) /ɒn kənˈdɪʃən (ðət)/ [conjunction] use this when you agree to do something only if someone first promises or agrees to do something else 如果;在…条件下 i'll lend you the money on condition you pay it back within three weeks. 我把钱借给你,条件是你三周内还给我。 many surgeons offer patients an operation only on condition that they stop smoking. 许多外科医生给病人做手术的条件是病人要戒烟。 as long as/provided (that)/providing (that) /əz; ˈlɒŋ əzǁ-ˈlɔːŋ, prəˈvaɪdə̇d (ðət), prəˈvaɪdɪŋ (ðət)/ [conjunction] use this when something will be possible or satisfactory only if something else happens or is done 只要,但要 you'll be quite safe as long as you follow my instructions. 只要你照我的话去做,就会很安全。 you can come and see the baby so long as you don't make any noise. 你只要不作声就可以来看孩子。 provided we have your order by the end of march, the price will be £500. 只要我们3月底之前收到你的订单,价格就是500英镑。 of course we'll look after your kids, providing you can drop them off at our house, that is. 我们当然可以给你照看孩子,不过你得用车把他们送到我们家来。 assuming (that) /əˈsjuːmɪŋ (ðət)ǁəˈsuː-/ [conjunction] use this when something will happen or something is possible only if what you think might be true really is true 假定;如果 assuming that this painting really is a van gogh, how much do you think it's worth? 假定这幅画真是梵高的作品,那你认为会值多少钱呢? all we have to do is to explain the problem to her, assuming of course that she's prepared to listen. 我们必须做的就是把问题向她解释清楚,当然,如果她愿意听的话。4. if something does not happen 假如某事不发生 if not /ɪf ˈnɒt/ [conjunction/adverb] your car should be ready by 12 o'clock, but if not i'll let you know. 你的车应当在12点以前修好,可如果没修好我就通知你。 if you don't leave now, i'll call the police. 如果你现在不离开,那我就叫警察。 try these gloves on. if they're not the right size i'll take them back. 把这副手套试戴一下。如果尺寸不对我就拿回去。if not, why not? spoken used to ask why something has not happened or why someone has not done something 【口】如果[某事没发生或某人没做某事],为什么? have you done your homework yet? if not, why not? 你的家庭作业做好了吗?如果没有,为什么没做好? unless /ʌnˈles, ən-/ [conjunction] use this to say that something will happen if something else does not change the situation 除非,若不;除非在…的时候 unless the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game. 如果天气不好转,那我们将不得不取消比赛。 you won't pass your examinations unless you study hard. 如果不用功,那你就通不过考试。 milk quickly turns sour, unless it's refrigerated. 牛奶如果不放在冰箱里,很快就会变酸。 otherwise /ˈʌðəʳwaɪz/ [adverb] use this when there will be a bad result if someone does not do something or if something does not happen 不然的话;否则 stir the sauce until it cools, otherwise it will be lumpy. 搅拌酱汁一直到它变凉,否则它会结块的。 i'm glad you told me about the show being cancelled. otherwise i'd have travelled all the way to glasgow for nothing. 你告诉我演出取消了,我很高兴。不然的话,我就会白白到格拉斯哥去跑一趟。 or/or else /ɔːʳ, ɔːr ˈels/ [conjunction] use this when you are warning someone what will happen if they do not do what you are telling them to do 否则,要不然[用于警告] be careful or you'll bump your head. 小心,不然会撞到头的。 stop making so much noise or else the neighbours will start complaining. 别发出这么大的声响,否则邻居会投诉的。 without /wɪðˈaʊtǁwɪðˈaʊt, wɪθˈaʊt/ [preposition] use this when you cannot do something if you do not do something else first 如果不 no one can succeed in business without taking certain risks. 不冒些风险,没有人能在商业上取得成功。 how can you judge a book without reading it? 你怎么能评价一本没看过的书呢? barring /ˈbɑːrɪŋ/ [preposition] use this when something will happen or continue in the way that you want, if something does not happen to prevent it 除非…[否则某事将预期发生或继续] barring unexpected delays, work on the tunnel should be completed by the end of next month. 如果没有意外的耽搁,这条隧道将于下月底完工。 before /bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [conjunction] use this when you are saying what someone must do if they want to stop something bad from happening [趁着坏事还未发生]以前[必须做某做] put that money somewhere safe before it gets stolen. 趁着那些钱还没被偷走,把它放在安全的地方。 that dog ought to be destroyed before it attacks any more children. 那条狗该被杀掉,不然还会咬其他孩子。 failing that /ˌfeɪlɪŋ ˈðæt/ [adverb] use this when you are saying what you will do if the first thing you suggested is not possible 如果不行的话 my mother wanted me to be a teacher or, failing that, a nurse. 我母亲希望我成为一名教师,不然的话,就当一名护士。 dr schwabe said he could find me a room either on the campus, or failing that, in a house nearby. 施瓦贝博士说他能在校园里给我找间住房,如果找不到,那就在附近找一间。5. why something must be true 某事肯定是事实的原因 unless /ʌnˈles, ən-/ [conjunction] use this to say that you think something is true, because the only other possibility is very unlikely 除非 he must have resigned, unless they fired him. 他肯定已辞职了,除非是他们开除了他。 unless he's a complete idiot, he'll understand. 除非他是个大白痴,否则应该明白。 otherwise /ˈʌðəʳwaɪz/ [adverb] use this to say that something must be true, because if it is not true the situation would be different 否则,不然 she must have missed the train, otherwise she'd be here by now. 她肯定是没赶上那趟火车,不然现在应该到了。 it can't have been anything important, otherwise she'd have called back. 不会是要紧事,否则她会再打电话来。 or else /ɔːr ˈels/ [adverb] use this to say that something must be true, because if it is not, the situation would be different or something very unlikely would be true 否则,不然 they must have thought everything was safe, or else they would have warned us. 他们肯定以为一切都很安全,不然他们早就警告我们了。6. when the situation would be different if something had not happened 假如某事不发生情况就会不同 but for somebody/something /ˈbʌt fəʳ somebody/something/ [preposition] use this when a situation would be different if something was not happening now or had not happened in the past 要不是某人/某事[用于假设现在的或过去的情况没发生] i would have walked out of the job earlier but for the fact that i desperately needed the money. 我如果不是急着需要钱,早就辞去那个工作了。 but for the actions of a brave fireman, i wouldn't be alive now. 要不是一位勇敢的消防员相救,现在我就不可能活着了。 whole industries would have collapsed but for a massive injection of public funds. 如果不是公共资金的大笔注入,整个整个的工业部门早就垮了。 if it had not been for /ɪf ɪt ˈhæd nɒt biːn fɔːʳ/ [preposition] use this when a situation would have been different if something had not happened or someone had not done something in the past 要不是[用以假设过去的情况没发生] if it hadn't been for the war, larry would have stayed on the farm. 要不是那场战争,拉里就会一直留在农场。 if it hadn't been for christine, i would never have met michael. 如果不是克里斯蒂娜,那我绝不会遇上迈克尔。 if it wasn't/weren't for /ɪf ɪt ˈwɒzənt, ˈwɜːʳnt fɔːʳǁ-ˈwɑːzənt-/ [preposition] use this when you would do something different if a particular situation did not exist now 如果不是因为[用以假设现在的情况 he'd be playing in this afternoon's game if it wasn't for his injury. 如果不是因为受伤,他就会参加今天下午的比赛。 if it weren't for the children, i'm sure she would leave her husband. 如果不是为了孩子们,我肯定她会离开丈夫。 if /ɪf; ɪf/linking word 1. used to talk about something that might happen 假如,如果:◇if you get the right answer, you win a prize. 如果答对,你就获奖了。◇what will you do if you don't get into college? 假如你进不了大学,那你会干什么? 2. used to mean 'whether', when you are asking or deciding something 是否,是不是:◇i wonder if john's home yet. 我在想约翰是否已经到家了。 3. used when you are talking about something that always happens 假如,倘若:◇if i don't go to bed by 11, i feel terrible the next day. 假如我 11 点还不上床睡觉,第二天就会感觉很不舒服。 4. used to ask or suggest something politely 是否可以,能否:◇if i might ask one question... 我能否问一个问题… ☞ if




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