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单词 dazzling
释义 dazzling(of light or colour) so bright that you cannot see for a short time(光线或颜色)使人目眩的,使人眼花的◆the sunlight was dazzling after being in the gloom for so long.在昏暗中待得久了,觉得阳光刺眼。◆he arrived wearing a dazzling white suit.他到达时穿着一套耀眼眩目的白色西装。opp soft → dim 1 ☞ dazzledazzlingsee ⇨ bright 2 ⇨ impress 4 daz·zling /`dæzḷɪŋ; ˈdæzəlɪŋ/adj 1. a dazzling light is so bright that you cannot see for a short time after you look at it [亮光]耀眼的,炫目的 2. very impressive, exciting, or interesting 令人眼花缭乱的,极吸引人的:◇a dazzling performance 令人眼花缭乱的表演




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