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单词 embarrassment
释义 embarrassment noun¹ 1feeling of being embarrassed困窘adjective | verb + embarrassment | preposition | phrases adjective➤acute, considerable, great异常尴尬;相当尴尬;极度的窘迫➤total, utter极度为难;十足的尴尬▸➤slight略微的尴尬◆she smiled to hide her slight embarrassment.她微笑着掩盖略微不自然的感觉。➤further更加尴尬▸➤obvious明显的尴尬➤personal个人的难堪➤public当众尴尬◆the agreement was made in secret to avoid public embarrassment.为避免当众尴尬,协定是秘密签订的。verb + embarrassment➤feel感到尴尬◆i felt some embarrassment as we shook hands.我们握手时我感到有些尴尬。➤suffer遭遇尴尬◆he suffered great personal embarrassment after failing the tests.考试不及格使他个人感到莫大的难堪。➤cover, hide掩饰尴尬▸➤cause引起尴尬➤risk冒着尴尬的危险◆pender decided to risk embarrassment and seek help.彭达决定寻求帮助,顾不上尴尬不尴尬了。➤avoid, prevent避免尴尬◆the government wishes to avoid further embarrassment over the affair.政府希望避免因这件事再度引起尴尬。➤blush with, flush with, squirm with (especially bre) 因尴尬而脸红/傻笑/忸怩◆i still squirm with embarrassment at the thought of it.一想到这件事我仍然局促不安。➤die from, die of (figurative) 尴尬得要死◆i could have died of embarrassment when i saw her standing behind me.看到她站在身后我尴尬得要命。➤ease, relieve减轻/缓解尴尬▸➤save sb, spare sb使某人免于尴尬◆helen changed the subject to save me the embarrassment of replying.海伦改变了话题,使我免于回答的尴尬。preposition➤in embarrassment处于尴尬的状态◆we all watched in silent embarrassment as mr rogers started to cry.罗杰斯先生哭了起来,我们都尴尬地默然看着。➤with embarrassment, without embarrassment尴尬地;不感到尴尬地◆i could finally talk about my problem without embarrassment.我终于可以坦然地谈我的问题。➤embarrassment at因⋯产生的尴尬◆her embarrassment at being found out她因为被发现而感到的尴尬➤embarrassment over由于⋯产生的尴尬◆the government's embarrassment over the affair政府因这件事感到的尴尬phrases➤(much) to sb's embarrassment令某入 ( 非常 ) 尴尬的是◆much to his embarrassment, mike realized that a small crowd was watching him.令迈克非常尴尬的是,他意识到一小群人正注视着他。➤feelings of embarrassment尴尬的感觉▸➤a flush of embarrassment因尴尬而脸红◆a flush of embarrassment came to her cheeks.她尴尬得涨红了脸。➤a source of embarrassment尴尬的原因embarrassment noun² 2sb/sth that makes you embarrassed令人困窘的人或事adjective | verb + embarrassment | preposition adjective➤great, huge, major, serious, severe (especially bre) 令人相当尴尬的人/事;令人极为难堪的人/事▸➤potential可能令人尴尬的人/事▸➤financial, political, social经济上令人难堪的事;政治上令人尴尬的事;社交上令人难为情的人/事➤national举国感到尴尬◆the president became a national embarrassment.总统让全国感到尴尬。verb + embarrassment➤be, become, prove是令人尴尬的事;变成令人难堪的事;证明是令人羞愧的事◆the protests were becoming something of an embarrassment to the government.抗议活动让政府颇为尴尬。➤consider sb/sth认为⋯尴尬preposition➤embarrassment for对⋯来说是尴尬的事◆the episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.这一事件令所有相关人员都感到非常尴尬。➤embarrassment to令⋯处境尴尬的人◆the poor child was considered an embarrassment to his family.这个可怜的孩子被认为是家庭的累赘。embarrassmentnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody in the room had heard her.她意识到房间里每个人都听到了,感到很不好意思。◆his resignation will be a severe embarrassment to the party.他的辞职将使该党处于极度的困境。embarrassmentnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody in the room had heard her.她意识到房间里每个人都听到了,感到很不好意思。◆his resignation will be a severe embarrassment to the party.他的辞职将使该党处于极度的困境。embarrassment/ɪmˈbærəsmənt ||; ɪmˈbærəsmənt/noun1. [u] the feeling you have when you are embarrassed 为难;难堪;尴尬 2. [c] a person or thing that makes you embarrassed 令人为难的人或事物 embarrassmentsee ⇨ embarrassed/embarrassing 3     • • •• ⇨ be an embarrassment• ⇨ cause embarrassment em·bar·rass·ment /ɪm`bærəsmənt; ɪmˈbærəsmənt/n 1. [u] the feeling you have when you are embarrassed 窘迫,尴尬:◇billy looked down and tried to hide his embarrassment. 比利眼睛向下看,试图掩饰自己的窘迫。 2. [c] something or someone that makes you feel embarrassed 使人为难的事[人]:◇his mother's boasting was a constant embarrassment to him. 母亲的吹嘘常令他无地自容。




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